I'm Sorry

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You were sitting on the couch with your head in your hands as you regretted what you said ....

*Flashback To a few hours earlier*

You and your boyfriend, seungcheol were in a heated argument because of a stupid reason ...and you both said things you didn't mean ...while you said something that broke his and yours heart ...

Y/N : Oh god seungcheol ...for atleast one time can you please not over react ...god i sometimes regret even dating you ....

After you said this ...his eyes got teary and he looked at you in disbelief ...

SC : Do you- really me-mean that ...?

Y/N : No-no seungch-

Before you could say anything ...he went to your shared bedroom and locked the door ...you immediately went after him and knocked on the door and by this time you were also crying ...

Y/N : Seung-seungcheol ah please open the door ...let me explain please .. I didn't mean what i said..please forgive me ...I love you choi seungcheol....

Your voice broke badly ..and you kept on calling him but he ignored all your calls and you decided to give him some space and went downstairs ..

*End of Flashback*

Since then ...it has been 3 hours but he still didn't come down or talk to you ...you were really regretting your actions and were crying while wondering - will he leave you now ....

This thought was wondering in your head ...

You cried and cried ...then fell asleep on the couch...

Next morning you wake up with a bad headache as you didn't eat anything last night ...as you got up from he couch you saw seungcheol eating his breakfast ...

You were afraid but still called him

Y/N : Seungcheol - ah ......

No reply

Y/N : Seungcheol

Still nothing

Your eyes started getting teary while you call him .....

Y/N : Ya-Yah Choi seungcheol....please talk to me ....

He still remained silent and went to our room to get his bag and was about to go to practice but before he could walk out the door , you held his wrist

Y/N : Seungcheol please talk to me

He still said nothing but just shrugged your hand off and went to practice ...

You were not in the mood to go to work today so you told your boss that you were sick and would not be coming today to which he surprisingly agreed very easily ...

You were at home all day waiting for the time when seungcheol would come back...you felt like shit....you just didn't had intrest in eating ,  cleaning or even sleeping...you were just thinking about how to make him forgive you ...

At night when he came back from practice ...he looked really tired ....you were worried about him ...if he even had a break during practice ....or did he ate his luch or not ...
He went upstairs to freshen up and when he came downstairs ..you told him

Y/N : Seungcheol-ah ...I made dinner ...you should eat and then sleep ...

But he just ignored you ...made ramen ..ate it and then went to sleep ..

You just stood in the kitchen dumbfounded about what just happened ...

Tears were now flowing out of your eyes like a waterfall now...

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