I had to .. (pt.1)

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SC : You're joking .. right ??

Y/N : Does this seem like a joke ...?

SC : But ... you -you c-can't leave m-me ..

He said while tears ran down his cheeks ..

You clenched your fists , looked in his eyes and said ..

Y/N : I can and I will ... I am leaving you ..

SC : But why ? You said you loved me ... what happened ? Did I do something wrong ??

He said while sobbing now

Y/N : You really believed that ?? Huh , you are too innocent I see...

He looked at you in disbelief

Y/N : I didn't love you and because of that ... I became frustrated and I ...

He looked like his knees would give up any minute now ..

Y/N : I went to the club last night and I .... cheated on you ..

SC : w-w-what ...

You couldn't take this anymore ...

Y/N : It will be best for you if you forget me.. and grow up please , I'm leaving ..

With that , you walked out ..

You couldn't hold back and broke down in the elevator .. really hard  .

You sobbed uncontrollably and recalled what you said to him ... it broke your heart in pieces to say those things to him and his reaction just rubbed salt over it which hurt more than death ...

The elevator came down and you ran to a park nearby and sat down at a bench and cried for an hour or so when your friend , yoojin called you

YJ : Hey ... did you do it already ??

You couldn't say anything and just sobbed

Y/N : Yoo--Yoojin ...

YJ : Where are you ?? I'm coming ..

She knew where to find you and came in another 15 mins ..

YJ : Y/N !!

As soon as you saw her you hugged her tight and cried again ...

Y/N : Yoojin ... I--

YJ : shh...calm down first , let's go home ..

You and yoojin were roommates  she took you home and you told her everything .

YJ : It will be okay ... you have to get through this y/n ..

You broke down in tears again

Y/N : I can't yoojin ...

Y/J : shhh ... I'm here , It'll be okay ..

*Seungcheol's side*

He couldn't believe what just happened . He was devastated , heartbroken , confused .

He called Jeonghan ...

SC : H-hello jeonghan ?? C-can you come here please...

JH : What happened ??

JH sensed something was wrong but nothing came from seungcheol's side but just sobs and after a few seconds he hung up before saying anything ..

JH rushed to his house with the other members  .. and when they walked in , the sight horrified them ..

Your photo frame with seungcheol was broken in pieces and seungcheol was sitting on the floor looking at it blankly .

They all rushed to him ..

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