I had to (pt.2)

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It was now a month since everything happened  and you weren't surprised to see that they all blocked you .. from everywhere , even him ..

But you were okay as long as they don't get hurt ...

You were lying in your bed when yoojin knocked on your bedroom door ..

YJ : Y/N ?? I made dinner .. come down and eat ..

You looked at her with a weak smile and nodded your head..

You both went down and sat on the table and started to eat ..

You were eating in silence when yoojin spoke

YJ : Y/N ?? are you okay ?? You don't talk like before and you don't even eat properly .. please tell me 

You just sat there in silence with your head down ..

YJ : Y/N , we are bestfriends .. you can tell me anything , cry if you want to .. just ... don't hold it in , you'll only hurt yourself .

You looked at her and smiled ... that's when a tear ran down your cheek that you've been holding for almost a month now ..

Y/N : can I ask you something ??

She nodded and held your hand ..

Y/N : is .... he .... okay ??

You put your head down and let all the tears out ... yoojin rubbed your hand and let you speak ..

Y/N : is ... h-h-he okay without m-m-me ?? Is he still .... that cheerful and happy ?? I h-hope he get's over me soon .. I ju-just don't want him t-to hurt anymore but--- at the same time --  I w-want h-him to remember how w-we used to b-be ... it's so hard yoojin ... s-so hard .... I don't even know how I feel anymore ..

You were crying while saying that which made yoojin tear up too ...

Y/N : p-please t-tell me honestly ... d-don't hide anything ...

She sighed and said ..

YJ : You wanna know the truth , huh.... he's not okay ... I don't see him that much due to work but when I do , he seems like a totally different person now .. not happy and cheerful like before .. I overheard their stylists saying that he messes up during practice and often they catch him teary eyed .. and that other day .. I was assigned to do their makeup and he has bags under his eyes ... he's not okay y/n , just like you , he's not 

You sobbed hearing this ..

YJ : I know I shouldn't tell you all this when you're trying to get over him but I did because you need to know ... you need to know how much he loves you and that you two breaking up was not a good thing .. I know you did all of this for them but please reconsider y/n ..

Y/N : you know everything that happened yoojin ... the reason too .. and you know I can't go to him now ... not now ... and never..

YJ : It's hurting both of you y/n ...

Y/N : it's better this way than that thing ...

You cried more but yoojin hugged you as she felt it was better than to say anything more...

After a while you calmed down , ate your food and went to sleep ...sleeping was easy as you cried and your eyes were heavy ..

Next day you woke up to a note that yoojin left...

"I am going to work a little early today !! You better eat your breakfast or i'll be mad and yeah , don't make dinner today , we're going out later !! "

You smiled looking at the note ..you were really greatfull to have such a best friend ....she was more like a sister to you ..
You ate breakfast and called yumi .. she was your co-worker ..

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