Chapter VI: Trauma

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        After about 20 minutes, your breathing finally returns to normal. You let out a shaky sigh, still not fully contemplating the last hour’s events. You want to go home, to sweet, sweet, home; wherever that may be. The voice in the back of your head is right; you’re too vulnerable. You have to be on your guard, every second of every day, until you get out of this terrible place. Newt sees you in deep thought and reassuringly rests a hand on your knee, as if reading your mind. You stare into his eyes, no need for conversation. Your ears perk up when you hear Gally outside, arguing with someone.

“I don’t shucking care about the rules! I say we kill him right here.”

“He belongs to the Maze now. Let it take him!” The mystery arguer is Alby.

“He nearly killed her, Alby! And no one’s ever been stung in the daytime. Something’s off about this one, I’m telling you!” You listen in closer.

“Slim it Gally! We’ll talk tonight, in the map room.” The voices stop. You hear heavy footsteps approaching the med-jack. Gally flings the door open, immediately walking over to you. He lowers his voice, as if you’re too fragile for loud noise.

“How are you feeling?” You don’t reply. Instead, you slowly rise, snaking your arms around his waist. After a few seconds of surprise, he embraces you back, letting you dig your head into his chest. You feel safe pressed up against him, his muscular arms wrapped around you. You just stand there for a good minute, listening to his slow heartbeat, feeling his warm chest rise and fall. Finally, you both pull away.

“Thank you, Gally.” You mutter softly. “I d-don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t-“

“Hurt no other glader. That’s the rule. He’ll get what’s coming to him.” With that, Gally turns and leaves, leaving you to stare after him. You look questioningly at Newt.

“What did he mean by stung?” You ask.

“The grievers, you see, they have these stingers on their tails, if you can call ‘em that… Anyone who gets stung and survives comes back… different. They get violent, usually going after someone as soon as they return.”

“What’re they gonna do to Ben?”

“We’re gonna do what we always do with the stung. We throw ‘em back into the Maze.” You swallow hard. With all you’ve heard about the Maze, the punishment sounds worse than death itself.

            Dinner that night is much quieter than the previous. You sit by Thomas, Chuck, Newt, and a boy named Minho, who you learn is a runner in the Maze. You feel all eyes on you as you eat. Finally, Alby stands up, breaking the tense silence.

“Listen up. No one, NO ONE touches the girl. Anyone who tries anything, stung or not, will be sent into the Maze. Do you understand?” Heads nod in unison. Soon everyone gets up to check in for the night, including you. This time, you let Newt walk you back to the med-jack, sending him off with a quick goodnight.

            You climb into your wooden bed, plagued by thoughts. What could possibly be in the Maze to turn a glader insane? Was the griever really at fault, or did Ben attack you by his own free will? You adjust your position, turning on your side. You've come to a conclusion. You’re going to be a runner, and you’re going to find a way out of the Maze.

Trapped: A Maze Runner Fanfic // GallyWhere stories live. Discover now