7 weeks later~ "John!" Paul yelled from the couch in the living room. He was placed lying down on his back with a bag of chips rested on his stomach. He was watching Andy Griffith on the small television. John came to the sound of Paul's voice. "Yes love?" Paul placed the chips on the floor. "I'm still hungry John. Can you fix me something to eat? Like chocolate or something?" John laughed. "Oh pregnancy." He shook his head. Paul was now almost 12 weeks and beginning to show a bump. He had been eating and eating more than usual, of course. "John! I'm sad!" John went over to Paul. "Why is that love?" Paul made a sad puppy face but quickly turned to anger. "I'm not getting any food!" "I will, love. Give me a minute." Paul had severe mood swings which got to John occasionally but he didn't mind it because he knew it wasn't Paul's fault. John was excited for the baby. So excited that he had been thinking of names. He walked into the living room to Paul, handing him a cup of hot chocolate. Paul looked up and grabbed the cup looking into it. "Not exactly what I had in mind but I guess it'll do." "So I was thinking. If it's a girl, I would like the name Victoria. You like it?" Paul nodded. "I very much like that name John." Paul sipped his hot chocolate, glancing at the tv and back to John. "And a boy?" John thought. "Charlie." "Oh yes. I like that, John. You have a wonderful taste in names." John looked at the ground. "Well yeah. Because I'm me." Paul lightly pushed john's side following with a hug afterwards. He held onto John tight and looked at his stomach. "John. I can't believe that all of this is actually happening. As a little boy, I never thought in a million years this could ever happen to me." "Well. You just never knew how special you really were and it took me to make you realize that, princess." Paul blushed. They both heard a faint noise coming towards them sounding like little mike. "Hey guys!" Mike walked in the room, sitting down with them. "Hey, mike. How are you doing today?" John asked. "Ehh. I'm fine. And how about you?" Paul sighed. "Oh not me. You know how it is." Paul turned to John. "I'm sorry, Paulie." Mike sat up from the chair he was positioned in once before and walked slowly over to an exhausted Paul. He stared for at Paul's baby bump for a few seconds and then hesitantly placed his hands onto the bump. He was shocked. Amazed. But too naive to understand what exactly was going on. He felt that he was emerging to realize that there was actually another little human being living in Paul's stomach. "Paul. Your stomach is getting so big now. You look so fat." Paul grimaced. "Hey now mike. Stop that. I already have put myself down enough. I realize I'm fat. You don't have to mention it, eh?" "Mike. He is only going to get bigger." John chuckled as he placed his hand beside mike's on Paul's bump. "Anyways, I'm going to go the park. Anyone wanting to come?" Paul felt so isolated in the flat. He couldn't stand being huddled up anymore in it. He needed to get out. Get fresh air. And so that is exactly what he did. He felt it was about time. "Yes. Most certainly. You're not going to the park by yourself. No way." John explained. Although, Mike denied Paul's request, they went anyways. They got ready and began their walk to the park. It was only a few blocks away. But to Paul, it was more like a few miles. He held his stomach as he walked as if he had stomach pains. But he felt that it was a need at this point in time. He wanted to make sure his baby was safe. But there was one thing that both John and Paul forgot. What if people see Paul? What would they think? Would they try to harm Paul? They were caught up in their own world, that they had forgotten about reality. And just their luck, a man in his early 20's had caught just the right amount of Paul's figure and walked over to Paul. Paul didn't notice he was being seen. But John did. John didn't like it either. "What the hell is going on here? Pretending to be pregnant, yeah?" Paul quickly spun around. "Fuck you. Mind ye own business, lad. Make like a tree and leave." The guy came closer to John's body. Paul began to panic. "John. It's okay. I'm fine. Don't do anything." Paul still keeping ahold of his stomach. John looked at Paul. "I will, Paul. This punk has an issue and I don't like it." John flipped this guy off and motioned for him to go outside. Paul didn't like where this was headed. "No, John! Don't do anything! Please!" John ignored Paul's demands and continued to engage in the conversation with the guy. John walked over to the nearest alley, the guy following him. John took a handful of the guy's leather jacket and pushed him back onto the wall. "You will not say anything to him. Nor even look at him." "You're psycho." The guy said. Paul finally caught up to John and cried. "John! No!!" Paul was biting his nails with one hand hit through all of that, he remained to hold his Stomach. "Paul. Wait out there on the bench for me." John. No.." Paul jumped at John. Paul was beginning to get so stressed, that fell to his knees. John didn't notice. He slung the guy up against the wall, punching him until he was no longer able to stand. He left him there struggling to keep conscious and covered with bruise marks. Who knows what would happen next...
Love isn't bad.
RomancePaul and John are In high school. Doing their own thing. Paul likes John but doesn't know if he likes him back. What will happen?