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time·less/ˈtīmləs/adjectivenot affected by the passage of time

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not affected by the passage of time

The life of Mary Elizabeth Rogers had always been a simple one. Taking care of her sickly older brother and finding work wherever she could to support the two of them. She hoped that fate would grant her someone to love and cherish. Her life in her eyes was good, not great, but good. It was manageable for her. She was gifted in healing others, her brother often pushed her to try and become a nurse, but it was only a dream that would never amount to anything for them. For her.

But then the Second World War broke out when she was just a young adult, just ten days shy of being nineteen years old. Her brother pushed himself, wanting to join the cause when America joined the war after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. Both siblings still so young in their lives. But this was the life of those growing up during World War II. Her brother was too sickly to join, his asthma alone being enough to disqualify him from enlisting. But he kept trying, despite Mary and their best friend James Buchanan Barnes's protests.

It wasn't until Bucky joined the fight that it brought the reality of the war close to home for the Rogers siblings. Steve pushed even further to join the cause. To him, the Axis Powers were bullies. And he didn't like bullies. Mary saw an opportunity when her brother came home one night with an A1 on an enlistment form. She knew he was leaving her to finally join the war he had been wanting to do for so long. And Doctor Abraham Erskine saw potential in her. Just like her brother.

A good man, and a caring woman. Those who looked out for the little guys and girls that others would step over without a care in the world.

And she made up her mind to join the fight that she had known most of her young adult life. She wanted to be of use to her country that her parents had immigrated to before she and her brother were born. To protect the freedom of the nation that she  and her beloved brother were raised in.

Mary Elizabeth Roger's life was not so simple any more. In fact, her life was just beginning.

 In fact, her life was just beginning

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