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~Dirty chapter~

A year later, we had a family of four. There was Zach, me, Leigh and Rosie. I was the happiest I could be! One evening, I was rocking Rosie whilst watching a movie with Leigh when Zach came down. "A babysitter is coming, We're going out," He informed me. "Are we?" I asked him.
"Mhm, you'll be smiling for days after this."

Zach took my to a lake with steps to get in down the side. "I didn't bring my costume!" I pouted.
"We're not going in, just sitting on the steps so we can talk and have our own time to be us away from the kids," He took my hand and led me to the steps, sitting down and me following behind. "It feels so strange without the kids," I shook my head and looked into the sky. "It does. The kids normally bring the house whereas here there isn't any," Zach agreed. We talked for a while and I listened to the water and crickets. Suddenly, Zach got up and stood behind me. "Don't push me in," I ordered.
"I'm not. Get up I want to show you something," I got up and he pointed to a random thing. "I can't see anything. Are you sure there's something there?" I asked him.
"It might be over here instead," He told me. I turned round and saw Zach on one knee with a ring in his hand. I took a few steps back and covered my mouth. "Is this really happening?" I queried. "It is, baby. Will you marry me?" He questioned. I tried to fight back my tears but they came flowing out. "Yes! I will!" I ran up to him and watched as he placed the ring on my finger. "I love you," He whispered as he put it on.

A few months later, It was our wedding day. Robin couldn't stop dancing around the room. "Don't leave the church ok?" She begged.
"I won't," I giggled. The make up artist continued putting on my makeup and I started thinking about everything. Zach was the perfect dad to the girls and was the perfect fiancè. I couldn't stop smiling about everything we'd done together and now it all came down to this. I thought back on the day we met for the first time after I had Leigh. It was awkward for us but we knew this was the right thing to do. Aubrey snapped me out of my thoughts. "It's time to put the dress on!" She exclaimed. I stood up and walked over to the dress. Aubrey offered to help me get into it. It wasn't a big dress. It had a corset type design at the top and a medium sized skirt for the bottom. It was long and had a small train. She then put my veil on and then everything was perfect. "Go look!" Aubrey told me. I walked to the mirror and saw myself ready for the day for the first time. "It's perfect," I smiled. "You look so beautiful," Izzy stood behind me. All the girls stood with me and we all smiled. "I love it so much and I can't wait to see Zach standing at that alter," I beamed. Robin brought out her phone and took a picture of all of us together. "This is family."

I got into the position with the girls behind me. "Zach is right behind that door. You guys are gonna go far together," Robin whispered.
"Thank you," I smiled. I took some deep breaths and waited for my cue. The music started and the doors opened. The bridesmaids walked first and then me and Robin. I decided on Robin to walk me down the aisle because she was there through everything and I wanted this to be our special moment as well as mine and Zach's. As we walked down, I couldn't help but smile at all the faces. Everyone flew out to the UK for me and Zach to have our wedding here. Zach chose the country as it was were I used to live and he wanted to include that. My mum mouth," You've got this." And I smiled at her. When we reached the alter, Robin unlinked our arms and stood to the side as she was the maid of honour as well. Zach smiled at me and moved my veil off my face. "You look so gorgeous," He whispered. I blushed and held his hands.

"Rylie Cox, you may say your vows."
I smiled at Zach. "Zach, your the best person I could ever of asked for. You've taught me everything about love but I'm still learning. Everything you do, makes me smile. Your an amazing dad to the girls and always make sure their happy. We were meant to be together and we wouldn't have met if Robin didn't take me to your concert. I love you with everything in my heart and always will," I beamed. Zach smiled at me and turned to the priest. "Zach Herron, you may say your vows."
"Rylie, how do I even explain these past few years. Everything has been amazing thanks to you. I've learnt how to control everything with you by my side. We've started a family together at 19 and will continue our family for generations. We're going to be 70 years old and be thinking back to these days and smiling. Rylie, your everything I could ever of asked for and I love you with so much passion," He kissed my hand and I fought hard to stop the tears. The priest continued the ceremony till he said the words we wanted to hear. "You are now husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Zach pulled me close to him and kissed me. I could hear cheers all around and we pulled away from each other. "I love you Mrs Herron."

I changed before going to the after party. When I arrived, I was immediately taken by Zach to the table. "Are you ready for our big dance later?" Zach questioned.
"Of course I am! I've been practicing," I giggled. "I love you so much Rylie," He placed his hand over mine. "I live you too Zach. More than anything," I responded. My mum and Zach's mum came over and hugged both of us. "Welcome to the family, Rylie," Myta smiled before hugging me. My mum said the same to Zach. "Rylie, your all grown up!" My mum cried. I hugged her and smiled at her. "I'm still your baby, don't worry," I reasurred her. Later on, we were called onto the dance floor. Zach put his hand on my lower back as we glided across the dance floor. He was just so perfect and I loved him. "I'm excited for the wedding night later," Zach whispered in my ear. "That's later. Let's think about now," I smiled. Others joined us on the dance floor as we danced through the night.

Zach picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room. "Is it wedding night time?" I asked him.
"Of course it is!" He responded. He placed me on the bed and we started kissing. "This is the best part of the whole wedding," Zach commented. I laughed at his comment and continued kissing him. "I'm going to struggle with your dress," He said inbetween kisses. "Well, I'll just leave it on then," I smirked.
"Nope! We're going to struggle together," He started to try and take off the dress and struggled. "Am I stuck?" I questioned. He nodded his head and laughed. I reached unzipped the top part of the dress and let Zach finish. "It wasn't that hard," I giggled as I wriggled out if the dress.

Zach took of his suit and we were both in our underwear. "I love you," Zach whispered as he took off my bra. I started kissing him and let him remove everything. I removed his boxers and we were both naked. Zach got a condom out of his pocket and ripped it open. "You had that in your pocket the whole night?" I asked him.
"Mhm," He answered as he out it on. He slowly entered me and we both moaned in pleasure. Zach sped up and I was a moaning mess. He sucked lightly on my neck leaving hickeys. We continued till I felt myself close. "Zach, I'm close," I moaned. He nodded his head and continued till we both released. He pulled out and laid next to me. I pulled the covers over us and he kissed the top of my head. "I love you Mrs Herron."

Months later, we'd been our our honeymoon and were getting used to married life. Why don't we ended and Zach became a solo artist whilst staying at home. One morning, I found out some news that I knew Zach would want to hear. I crept downstairs and saw him with Rosie and Leigh, telling them a story. I sat next to Leigh and listened to him. He finished the story and smiled when he saw me. "I have some news," I beamed. He closed the book and moved it off his lap. I sat next to him and showed him the test. "Leigh!" He shouted. "What?" She asked him.
"Your going to be a big sister! And so is Rosie!" He exclaimed. He hugged me and kissed me. "I can't wait for our newswest family member."

The end.

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