Part 2~ The dorm sorting

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Harry felt a nudge on his shoulder. He looked at Malfoy, ughhh what could he possibly want now. "Potter we're almost here" Harry looked around the 'room', where were Hermoine and Ron. "Hey, do you know where Hermoine and Ron are?"

Draco looked at him and grinned "Probably shagging somewhere." Harry laughed and nodded his head in agreement. He realised Draco had sat a bit closer to him. "Draco?" "Its Malfoy to you Potter. I don't let just any person call me by my first name, they have to earn my trust and not be pathetic like you Potter. " Ahhh the sneaky insults. How he missed it. "Well Malfoy, sorry to break it to you but I rather enjoy calling you Draco" Harry giggles knowing how much it pissed Draco off.

"That's it" Draco came close to Harry. His lips where a light pinky colour and his har was over his face. He looked like snow, but snow with a pink tint to it because Malfoy was blushing. You could see the tint of pink in his cheeks. It looked much brighter since Malfoy's skin was as pale as Snow Whites. 

Soon he feels something press against his lips. It was...MALFOY!? Harry kissed him back. Draco was putting his hands on Harry's waist. "Oh for Merlin's sake Malfoy. Don't say you've got a thing with me?"

"Well, Potter what if I said I did, and I've had it since 4th year." Harry's eyes winded as he realised the train was stopping and how he felt the same way. 

"Malfoy the train is stopping. I suggest you get off me befor-" Harry's sentence was cut from another kiss from the one and only Draco Lucis Malfoy. 

"Malfoy. Get a hold of yourself." Harry shoved Malfoy off him. Malfoy acted like a dead fish an extremely cute one to be precise.

Couple minutes later and they were getting the dorm mates sorted out

McGonagall had made a new way to sort kids into there dorms. Ravenclaw shared with Hufflepuff and Slytherin with Gryffindor. McGonagall started calling the names out for Slytherin and Gryffindor dorms.

"Ron Weasly and Blaise Zabini. Hermione Granger with Pansy Parkinson. Harry Potter with Draco Malfoy" Harry froze, he was stuck with MALFOY! For a whole year! A WHOLE FUCKING YEAR! Harry didn't know how to feel he was happy but also felt ever so slightly scared.


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