Part 3~ Oh my Merlin

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Draco got up, he was surprised. He was sorted with Potter! Potter of all people, why not Granger or Ron- wait no not Ron. Draco started walking to the Slytherin Common Room since Potter would be staying in the Slytherin dorms.

"Hey Dracyyy" It was Pansy. She had lust in her eyes and was totally in LOVE with Draco. Her skin was tan and she had brown eyes with brown hair. Her ponytail was messy like always. Pansy and Draco had gotten in a fight after the war and are no longer friends.

"What Parkinson?" "Dracyyyy boo why not Pansy?" "Parkinson, like I have SAID over 100+ times. WE.ARE.NOT.FRIENDS! Now, do I need to get a screw and screw it in ur non-existence brain of yours?" Pansy looked hurt and Draco just smirked. "D-Drac-" "No Parkinson, just no. I'm going to find Potter to see if he knows I'm here.

Before Draco knew it Parkinson was kissing him. She wasn't really the best kisser in the world. Draco was trying to push Parkinson off but she was too heavy. Draco heard the door open to see Blaise and Potter. As soon as he saw those 2 he pushed Parkinson off him so she would fall to the floor.

"Jesus Malfoy keep it for the bedroom" Potter smirked. "Potter, that girl was going to RAPE me!" "Mhmm, you sure Draco?" Draco looked at Blaise who knew he liked Potter and has liked him for a while now.

"Draccyyyy" "Shut up you filthy mut" "Ow Malfoy that was a bit harsh don't you think?" Potter's eyes narrowed down to Parkinson who was still on the floor begging for Draco to kiss her. 

"No, I don't think it was harsh. Anyway, Potter, our room is over here" Draco grabbed Potter's hand and took him to the dorm. The walls were an emerald green colour with black splotches everywhere. There where 2 wardrobes one near a white door the led into the bathroom and one near the window. There were 2 single sized canopy beds with black wood and green sheets. The curtain on the canopy bed was black but it looked like a dark grey.  The bathroom was all white and had a bath and show in it. The sink had a mirror that opened so you could but your stuff in it. The room was a bit of a hexagon shape and had 2 small black couches. It was actually a really nice looking room.

"Hmm, not a bad room." Potter's head was searching around as he placed his luggage near the wardrobe near the bathroom door. "Ok Potter, I'm having window side and you can have the one near the bathroom." "Ok, I'm fine with that." Draco grabbed an apple and was throwing it in the air catching it before placing it in his mouth. "Merlin, you really like green apples?"Potter said with a confused look. "Well yeah, of course, I've liked them since I was 11."  "How come?" "They just taste really good." "Can I have some?" Draco's headshot towards Potter in a snap. "Sure?" Draco takes the half bitten apple and gives it to Potter. "I want it back" "Ok, I'll give it back" Potter takes a bite and almost ripes his teeth out "Merlin Potter you almost ripped your teeth out" Potter handed back to Draco. Draco continued to eat it.


Draco grabbed his potion book and headed to potions. Great a class with Potter and he has to share a dorm with him, what luck. Potter isn't a bad person he's just full of himself, well thats what everyone thinks. Harry hated how everyone thought he was a "hero" a "golden boy" like he was the special one, Malfoy could do the same. He could probably do better, he does have the power too and he's really good at potions and other things, just he can be a bit cocky at times. 

Harry saw Malfoy, Ron and Hermoine come to the class. Malfoy sat next to him because that was his assigned seat. "So Potter. Did you finally learn how to do potions without almost killing everyone here?" "No Malfoy I haven't. Don't you think I've been to busy to be focusing on bloody potions and learning how to do they correctly!?" Harry shot a glare at Malfoy. "Well actually yes I do. I mean you don't have your parents to deal with and Ron and Hermoine seem like their abandoning you, so yes Potter I think you do" Harry grabbed his wand and said "Stupefy" Draco fell to the floor, he was knocked out. "Serves him right" Everyone started to look at Harry and the teacher asked Hermoine and Ron to take Draco to the Madam Pomfrey.

OK UHH THANKS FOR READING IT! Yes it is pretty crappy, but I am proud of it so cya guys I'll upload soon.

Love, Dylan <3

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