Chapter 2: Going out with the Daughter

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The Doomslayer gently pats the Asia's head. He then lets go, and she does so as well. She wipes some tears from her eyes. Doomslayer rubs his throat again. Asia notices and gently reaches out and touches his throat. A green glow surrounds her hands, and then it fades.

"I-Is that better?"

"Doomslayer... your throat is completely healed. Basically no damage."

The Doomslayer coughs, clears his throat and opens his mouth.


He rasps. He jumps, before grinning widely. He starts running around, swearing at the top of his lungs. Asia and VEGA sweat drop. He rushes back and pulls Asia into another hug.

"Thanks kid! Or Asia. I'm not sure what to call you."

"A-Asia's fine."

He smiles he pats her on the shoulder.

"How about we go out? My treat."

He whips out a handful of yen. Which meant and armful for Asia or anyone else. Asia and VEGA look at him quizzically.

"How did you..."

"Don't ask."

     He then hoists her up and puts her on his shoulders. He then sprint through the wall, leaving alone to tend to the repairs. The Doomslayer rushes through the city. He stops in front of the restaurant where Issei first took Asia to try a hamburger.

"I've been here before!"

"You have?"

"I was here with a boy called Issei."

     The Doomslayer suddenly stops moving. He slowly turns towards her, a large being bulging in his forehead.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Uh... I mean, he's a nice boy, but he's a big pervert. But he really kind, of you get over the pervertedness."

She looks up to see Doomguy slowly pull out his super shotgun.

"W-Wait! Please don't kill him!"

"Oh I won't kill him. Just gonna scare him so bad he won't dare even try to have sex with you until you two are at least 20."


"But right now, I need to catch up with you first. Then terrify your boyfriend."

They walk into the restaurant, and as they do, the Praetor Suit shifts into some green pants and a green shirt, while his helmet shifts into a green cap that says 'Fuck the Devil' on it. He calmly sits in line and waits.

"So father. Can you tell me about your greatest battle?"

"Ah. That would be... the Titan."

"The... Titan?"

"Yep. After most of the Argent D'nurians either went Devil, Fallen, or Angel, I went on a berserk rampage through Hell. And finally, he rose up form the depths. About as tall as Mount Everest. Big boy. I just stabbed him in his big eyes. Like, easy."

"I guess, when you have an indestructible suit of armor."

"Oh I didn't."


"Took it in pretty much buck naked."


"With a simple mithril sword."


"Other than that, pretty easy."


The two walk up to the cashier. Doomslayer slams his hand on the counter.

"I'll take the King Mac, some fries, onion rings, and a Little MAC for her."

"That'll be... (insert amount of yen here)"

Doomslayer counts the money, before handing the chaser the cash.

"Your order will be ready soon. Take a seat in the mean time."

The cashier hands them the ticket. The two quietly go over to a table and sit down. The Doomslayer picks up a salt and pepper shaker.

"Haven't seen one of these in a long time."

"Really? Argent D'nur had salt and pepper shakers?"



"Heh. You wouldn't believe how beautiful it was."

      The Doomslayer then calmly stares out the window. And for the first time, Asia notices how he looks like a tired war veteran. When she first saw him, he looked like he was ready to kill anything that moved. Now, she could see how tired he looked.

"What was my mother like?"

"Before she joined the angels and became Michael's little slut? She was amazing. She was my eighth hand soldier, and my main bodyguard. I was the king during that time, so that makes you a princess. A big heart, she tried to save as many people as possible. She never got below one loss every on hundred missions, and she could do fifty in a year. Then the Betrayer happened. I have long since forgiven him, as I would have done the same for you or her. Anyways, the Three Factions saw an opportunity to get stronger. They gave my people an offer. Azazel didn't mind if they joined him, he just wanted to help them. The Devils, and the Angels, however, just wanted their strength. Well, except for one Angel. I never learned his name, just, the Seraphim. The most powerful Angel. He was enraged at the actions of his race, and demanded they simply aid them, not force them to join them. But Michael didn't listen, and stabbed him. My people all turned towards the Factions and abandoned me, the Factions saying I was too much of a threat. I rushes to the Seraphim as he lay dying. He gave me his blessing, allowing me to draw strength from my fallen foes. And so, I started my campaign against hell. Ten thousand years later, I found my way to this world, and I watched as the Factions battled. I took the chance of taking revenge, and took the life of their leaders."

    The Doomslayer crushes the salt shaker in his hand, glaring at the small grains of white mineral in his hand. He then steals a replacement from another table.

"I remember those moments. Beating God with my bare fists, no Bessel pack, nothing. Just punched him to death. Then the Devils. I just ended their existence in one go, with my one shot kill weapon, my BFG 9000. I then tore out God's heart, and crushed in front of Michael, and the other Arch Angels. Michael, from what I've heard, was punished severely for killing the Seraphim, and now barely holds any power in politics. That made my day. I then returned to Hell, and separated Argent D'nur from Hell before the Devils could claim it. And I've been rebuilding it ever since. And then the letter to teach came from your Headmistress. I don't know what happened to your mother, she just stayed in Heaven while I butchered her precious new god. I want to forgive her, but it's hard sometimes. A couple in our culture married for life. If people want to divorce, they can, as long they're absolutely certain they no longer love their former spouse. But you can't just ditch your lover for someone else. Even though it still happened and happens still, I still tried to keep my people as happy as possible. Apparently... it wasn't enough."

"Number 20!"

The Doomslayer glances at the ticket in his other hand.

"That's our order. I'll go get it."

    He stands up and goes to the counter. Suddenly, he hears a crash at the front entrance. A man with the bottom half of a centipede and a it's mandibles crawls though.

"Hello humans! I was feeling bored, so I've come to butcher you all."

"Hey buddy."

The centipede man turns to come face to face to the Doomslayer, who flicks his forehead, sending him flying. The Doomslayer cracks his knuckles before smirking.

"Just like the good old days."

Cue the Music!

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