Chapter 5: His Power

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Améril is riding on William's shoulders giggling as they approach Kuoh Academy. The students take notice and some of the devils and angels frown as they pass by, but turn away when William glares at them. Once they arrive at the gymnasium, he puts her down in the corner, and the dragon coils up next to her. The Doomslayer sits down and starts to prepare something.

"There! This should be fun."

He then waits as Issei's class enters.

"Hello you weak little runts! Today we're gonna go somewhere... hellish."

He pokes the thing on the ground, and a portal opens up.

"Today, I'm taking you all to one of the last surviving demon enclaves. These bastards have been causing trouble still for a couple of worlds, so I'm going to massacre them. You will all be kept safe in a special bubble."

       He tosses a small object into the air, and it glows, before a blue shield surrounds the students. He marches on through, and the students hesitantly follow, Améril happily skipping after them. When they go through the other side, they are terrified by the hellscape. Demons turn as the Doomslayer slowly draws the Super Shotgun. Immediately, they turn and start trying to run away. But he ain't having any of that shit. He leaps towards them and starts violently massacring them. The students watch in horror and fear as the demon are ripped apart. Their faces smashed in by a finger. Their spines snapped over his knee. Their chests crushed in by his head-buts. He was vicious. He was brutal.

"This is insane! This isn't even a fight, it's a massacre!"

"I knew the Doomslayer was strong, but my father never told me the demons now outright run away from him."

"Yep! Papa's really strong!"


"Yeah! He beat up the angels who hurt me and adopted me. Hi Asia! You're my new sister right?"

Asia smiles at the little girl and crouches down.

"Yes. I'm Asia Argento. It snake to meet you!"

A brilliant flash of green, and several demons explode.

"Oi! Issei! I think some these guys would serve as good training! Get your pervert ass over here!"

"Y-Yes sir!"

Issei sprints off to William's current location. He actually manages really well. The past few training sessions have acutely been doing wonders for his strength. He now was probably equivalent to a base Argent D'nurian soldier, and that's saying something. Once they finish off the demons, Issei fall back and groans with exhaustion.

"Man! I would be dead if it weren't for you Sensei!"

"Dam straight. You did well kid. Though I'd watch where you're putting your hand."

Issei looks at his hand and sees that he's placed it one the disembodied head of a Marauder. He yells and snaps his hand away. William laughs before pulling Issei in and giving him a light noogie. Issei chuckles slightly, before William gives him an affectionate whack on the back, which promptly sends him flying.

"Oops. Put too much force into that."

"Scanners indicate that you definitely did that on purpose."

But a loud roar is heard, and the Slayer looks up to see a Titan slowly emerge from the fiery mists. The students tremble, but William chuckles. He draws his Crucible, and activates it, it's red blade crackling with red bolts of energy. He runs, before jumping off the cliff and landing on the forearm of the massive demon.

It raises it's other hand and bring sit down to crush him. It seemingly does, and everything's silent for a moment, before William rips through the palm and begins to run up the arm. Once he reaches the shoulder, he leaps up and grabs one of its horns. He then swings himself into the air, right above the demon's head. As he falls, he utters three words.

"Hasta la vista. Baby."

The Titan lets out a squeak, before the Crucible is plunged into its head. William then snaps off the blade. And it remains there. Blue veins spread throughout the Titan's body, and it stumbles back, before keeling over. The Doomslayer lands with a heavy thud in front of his students.

"And that kids... is how you take out the forces of hell."

The Titan then suddenly explodes into bits and pieces.

"Huh. Guess I put too much energy into the blade. Alright, everyone back to school!"

He herds all the students back through the portal, not noticing the figure standing on one of the slides of the ruined citadel. They pull back their hood to reveal a girl around Asia's age.

"The Doomslayer. The most powerful being across the dimensions. You may have wiped out the demons of hell, but I will avenge my parents."

Suddenly, he cloak is shredded as two wings of fiery red energy materialize.

"And I will bring back my species."

The Hellwalker (Doom x HS DxD)Where stories live. Discover now