Chapter 4: Unfortuante Reunion

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The Doomslayer once again sits in his class room, gently polishing the Meathook on his super shotgun. He turns it over, admiring its clean glint. He stretches and stands up. He walks out of his temporary lodgment, until he managed to rebuild Argent D'Nur. It was a long, boring process by himself, but with the few demons that defected from Hell, it was going on much faster. One was a demon called Starmus.

He stayed in hiding during the Great War between the Three Factions, but came out and sought out the Doomslayer, to join him. Now, he lives happily in a small house located in Argent D'Nur with his wife and many, many children. The Doomslayer insisted that the housing be rebuilt first. His people were more important to him than himself. The Doomslayer looks up into the sky, the many stars glinting in night sky.

"I love staring up at the sky. Sometimes make me feel really insignificant."

The Doomslayer lies down on a hill, humming quietly to himself. His peaceful moment is interrupted when something crashes on top of him. He sits up to see a small girl looking fearfully up at him.

 He sits up to see a small girl looking fearfully up at him

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(Eri belongs to Kokei Hirokoshi and Shonen Jump)

"Hey kid. You okay?"

The girl glances over his shoulder and gasps and crawls back. The Doomslayer then draws his pistol and shoots behind him. A yell of pain, and he turns around to see an angel clutching his arm.

"So... what's an angel doing chasing a little girl?"

"That is no girl you fool! That's an abomination!"

"What are you talking about?"

"That thing is a foul hybrid! A Nephilim!"

The Doomslayer's eyes widen, before he glances back at the little girl. He sees the small horn perched on the side her head.

"Yeah, no. The only abomination I see here is you."

"I will bring that girl back! We aren't finished with her."

The angel is suddenly grabbed by the throat, and lifted off the ground. The Doomslayer's eyes glare through his visor. He tightened his grip on the angels throat as he growls.

"What the ever-loving fuck do you mean?"

"Her... Magic... turns back... an individuals clock... can... make... someone a baby... again. We've been... taking her... apart and putting her back together... to see the limitations."

"You. Sick. Fucks!"

He slams the angel into the ground before grabbing one of his arms and ripping it off, causing the angel to scream in agony. He then bashed the angel across the face with his own arm. He brings the angels face close to his own and speaks slowly.

The Hellwalker (Doom x HS DxD)Where stories live. Discover now