The White Devil

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It was just a small island without a name, where Sileya D. Shae has stranded on. She just could remember that she sneaked into that ship, that would unconsciously carry her to the grandline. Yes, the grandline... She hoped, that she would find unknown land, and something she could hold onto. The past year she lived in the shadows, always hiding under her wide brown cloak, just somehow surviving. Shae earned money by being a bounty huntress for a while, but she didn't like to do that. She never felt aversion against pirates. But she felt deep aversion, yet hate for the world government. But to not get into conflict with them, she thought it would be best to not turn against them. For now...

Shae, at that time, already could have been danger for the government. She had "superhuman" abilities, as some would call it. Others would much likely call it a curse. Shae couldn't tell if they were a blessing or a curse. Actually, she could tell nothing right now.

She left her home 2 years ago and she still didn't knew what to do with her life. She constantly seemed to be in a fight with herself. People, who have seen what she could do, would call her a monster, some would even call her a devil. She kept anonymous everywhere she went. Its now been a year since she lived that way.

She wanted to go to the grandline, in the hope that she would find meaning.

Shae woke up at the border of that island, covered in sand. She could remember everything what happened before she passed out. She never forgot something ever. Not even her own memories she could keep forever, but tons of memories of others...

"The ship must've been capsized... I wonder if there are any other survivors."

Shae knew that it was life-treatening to try to acquire the grandline. She slowley got on her feet and looked around. There was no other human soul to be seen.

She took a deep breath and checked the environment. "So this is the grandline..." She whispered. "What now?"

She somehow had to get onto a ship and travel to an island where there would be civilisation. She had to get some money and had to drink something. She must've slept long, she felt like days passed.

She turned around and saw the huge mountain were she came from. "Yes, I remember... I came from the top of that mountain. The small ship crashed in the middle of sliding down... What a luck i survived." Shae knew she couldn't swim to the next island. She couldn't swim at all. Shae has eaten from a devil fruit when she was very young. Everyone who has eaten from one, will never be able to swim again. That was the price people had to pay. Shae ate the spiritdragon fruit. As she could tell, it was one of the mightiest devil fruits, but was also very, very difficult to master. She knew that she could achieve lots of abilities with it, but by now, she hadn't figured out most of it. She had some kind of a second, visible soul since then. When she called it, it looked like a ghostly figure of an enormous, white dragon. And not a long time ago, she discovered that she could use her dragonfire without calling this spirit. But she knew she still had to practise using and controlling it a lot. Her fire was not normal fire; it's color was snowwhite, and it wouldn't be hot. But as soon as it started to touch things, they would immediately burn to the ground. Well, Shae more thought of it like, that fire wouldn't burn, but that it'd corrode everything alive that it touched.

Also, what almost nobody knew, was that she actually was not in power of one devil fruit, but in two. If Anyone else would've eaten two devil fruits, they wouldn't survive that. Shae only survived because she only has eaten one. There once was a time when she was involved in a fight with somebody who was very, very mighty. She remembered that she almost died fighting this strange, tall, all black clothed man. She remembered how his voice somehow was in  her head, how he seemed to know everything she was thinking, and every memory she ever had. She felt how he could control everything that was going on in her mind; her emotions, her thoughts, even her memories. Somehow though, she survived that fight and defeated the man.

Now that I think about it, I don't even know how I won mind was just too confused, I couldn't think at all!

However, later on she shokingly discovered, that now somehow she was able to do the same thing to others as the man did to her. She realized that she was now in power of his devilpower. That was just one of all the riddles she had to solve in her life yet. But since she had that power, she was able to keep an imense amount of thoughts and memories and could always remember them. Of course that was dangerous for others, and why the government sectrely was after her. Well, the mind is the only thing one can't protect physically. Maybe they were afraid.

I didn't even get to know that man's name. Well, he is part of me now. I still can't believe that happened.

Right now, at the border of this small island, Shae remembered. But she didn't like to remember, she didn't wanted to remember. But she did. And it felt like a wave of memories, pictures and voices overcame her mind and once again, messed everything up. That happened every time. Shae could feel that she drifted off. She looked down at her hands, and the familiar white, glowing pattern appeared on her skin, as well on her forehead. That always happened when she remembered. Or it happened when she entered other peoples minds.

She lived with it eversince, and she grew familiar to it. The only thing that bothered her was, that she, no matter what she's seen, could never forget it. The memories were burned into her mind, the good and as well the bad ones. And right now, bad memories came to her mind.

Regardless of Shaes suffer, thirst and hunger, the sun would set and leave her in the dark. But that wasn't that bad, shae knew how to survive, and she knew that she could survive, and she knew that here, on the grandline, she would find meaning

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