Chapter 5

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Shae felt like the sun had never shone brighter, the air had never tasted better, and the ocean was never bluer before. She leaned over the wooden railing of the ship Merry and breathed in the fresh, salty morning air. The crew was ready to leave, Namis Logpose ( Shae learned that the logpose was necessary for travelling on the grandline, because it was perfectly tuned to the magnetic flows of the sea) was charged and already pointing its needle to their new destination. Things were well.

Shae was looking forward to a new lifestyle, to new experiences, and to adventures and meaning. Luffy was just more than happy to have her on their ship, and so was Shae. Finally she didn't had to hide all bloody day under that old large cloak, finally she could have someone again to talk to. She grew more and more comfortable with the crew and she felt like the journey would do her good. Although she didn't know at all where to go, if they reached the next island. And she had no idea what to do, and how she would live on. She guessed that she would just spontanously decide. For now, she tried to shove the future out of her mind and tried to concetrate on the present. And it was such a good feeling.

She turned around and faced the deck. Sanji just hoved all the remaining proviant on board, Nami was standing at the steering wheel and checking her logport and the course, usopp was fiddling in his pockets, he put the shells, which he had found, into them, Zoro was checking the mast ropes and Luffy was sitting on his favorite place; on the top of the figurehead of the ship, a lovely lamb head. Soon after, the ship was sailing and making its way to the next island. Shae sighed and walked over to Nami, who now appeared to be a lot more relaxed than before. She smiled at her and they began to chat a little.

"So, where will you stay?"

"I honestly don't know. I guess, I'm just going to stay somewhere were i like and where there is something going on you know."

"Sounds good. But for now, I'm really glad that you're coming with us for a bit. It really gets anoying to be around these men all the time! hahahah"

"hahah, I see. How long do you think will it be til we get to land?"

"shouldn't be too long actually... but i can't really tell. The grandline is very strange and i'm not familar with it at all yet."

" Bet you will be."

"Yeah, sooner or later i guess...i hope."

Shae obviously enjoyed those little chats with the people, and she got to know them all a bit more and better. With the days, her skin became darker, her hair healthier and the wound in her cheek was barely even to be seen anymore. She oly now realized, how much stress and pressure she was put under. Also, one thing that she was incredibly glad of; The nightmares got better. Her nightmares started about a year ago, when she left the little island koshiki in east-blue where she was staying a year right after she left home, when she was only fourteen years old. After Koshiki, everything went down; her health, her self-esteem, her hope and her mental strength. But he told her it was going to happen, that she wasn't ready yet, and he, for a piece far was right, but not completely right. At first Shae was totally disoriented in being alone and having to earn money by being a bounty huntress, wich was the only thing she thought would be effective by having enough money for always being on the run. But time after time, she learned to live lie that and she learned to be lonely. But that's just when the nightmares started to come. It became so bad, that she had a nightmare, or even two, every night and that would lead to a big lack of sleep, wich could be seen by the permanent dark shadows under her eyes. Sometimes she dreamed of Koshiki, that it would burn, and that all its inhabitants would die, or of her family ( Luffy and his family, since they adopted shae as a daughter), that they offened her and hurt her, that she had nowhere to go, that they suddenly turned into bloody ceatures, that would scare her, or even of herself. It would be a evil, second self, the demon inside her. It would whisper in a strange voice and telling her things, that were so disturbing and distgusting that she would vomit after dreaming, becuase of the stress and the nasty feeling in her stomach. But of course, she had to learn to live with that too and accept that. You may think now, that she was weak, because, of course you had a nightmare too once, and it wouldn't scare you, or you didn't have a mother or a father to be there for you, but you stil manage life. You may think that she could have it much worse, but i tell you; she had it much worse. And she was strong. Not only physically, but also mentally. What she's been through would have driven another completely insane. And she would not even wish her worst enemy to have to go through, what she's been. Shae wished so much that she could just forget, to displace those memories,but as you already know, was it simply impossible for her to do so.

But, for good luck, those things would now at least leave her alone at night.

Shae smiled at the thought of her dark circles slowely disappearing, and her strength improving everyday. And she smiled at the thought of Koshiki and about the words he has always told her. And she smiled at the thought of being with Luffy and at the thought of home, and eventually finding out where she belonged.

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