Chapter 8

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Shae clinged onto Ace, as if she would be afraid he'd just disappear again in the distance without her holding onto him. Her heart felt so heavy, but she liked the feeling. It was like she was holding her breath for years, and now she could finally take one again.

"Ace... you" Shae mumbled into his chest. The familiar fragnance of a early autumn morning and leather she could smell, it smelled of him. Ace pulled her just a little tighter, before letting go after a few seconds. He looked her into her eyes, no, he rather stared. Like he always did when things were serious. He softly said:" There is no time for questions. I saw Luffy, we have to find him before Smoker runs after us again. He hurt you didn' he... Can you walk?" Shae didn't ask any questions after that and just responded:" Yeah I think so. But I can't run, it hurts pretty much... Luffy hopefully ran to the crew, they're at the harbor, let's look there for him first." Ace nodded, looking satisfied. He obviously knew what Luffy's been doing the past few months. He helped Shae getting on her feet and they went to the harbor, hoping they would find Luffy there.

Shae was too suprised about everything to think about things. She just functioned, without asking or doubting.


The last time she's seen him was almost four years ago. Ace grew up with Luffy and her, they were a family, although none of them were blood related with eachother. Ace looked much different than he did when he, a seventeen year old, left the island they grew up on, to go to the sea and become a great pirate. She could remember that Luffy cried straight for a few days when he left, and also Shae had lost some tears. Ace was taller now,his voice got deeper, his hair longer, more disheveled, his body was muscular and the contours of his face were much sharper than before. He has always been a picturesque boy, but now, he turned out to be a real handsome, grown man.

Shae couldn't believe that she's met Luffy and Ace all at once after such a long time.

She guessed that he would explain to her what he's been doing after they knew they were safe.

They had to slow their walk down because Shae felt a real big pain in her right side. She needed Chopper to look at it after they'd arrive at the port.

After some time, they could hear someone running around in the allies of the city. The steps became louder and louder, until someone turned the corner and almost bumped into them.

"Thank god Luffy!!!" Shae sighed as she realized it was him. Luffy stood there with his mouth wide opened, as he saw Ace was standing beside her. He didn't wait for long and he shot towards him, just clinging onto him as Shae did before. They startet to shout their names and to laugh.

"Luffy! As always, my little brother is getting himself into trouble as soon as he arrives somewhere!" Ace chuckled. Luffy smiled so big, that it looked like his mouth would reach to both his ears.

"Ace!!! What are you doing here? And where's this marine guy?"

Ace grinned and replied:" Smoker? I took care of him. And to answer your question, I'm on a search."

"Very informative, as always." Chuckled Shae. Ace laughed. Oh, what a beautiful laughter he had. Shae felt such a warmth all around her heart.

"Oh, I'm going to tell you guys everything later." Now we have to make sure that were safe. Shae told me a crew was waiting for you Luffy?" Ace's eyes sparkled and his grin grew bigger. Luffy looked so proud that Shae thought he was going to burst.

"True that" he said.

"So, what are we waiting for?" Ace said while patting him onto his shoulder.

Luffy was already about to run off again, as Ace shouted:" Stop Luffy! Shae can't run! I think she has some broken ribs or a inside injury..."

"Then carry her! We have to go now! He shouted while storming off.

Ace looked at her questioning, and Shae nodded, to show him that she agreed. So he carefully lifted her up and she clinged around his neck, while he was holding her legs safely. With Shae on his back, he ran after Luffy.

I don't know what to feel. I just feel so happy, but I don't know why all of this is happening, maybe this is all a dream?

Shae almost blacked out because of the pain she had, but she kept quiet. She trief hard to not pass out, but after some moments, her eyelids became heavy and the world around her went black.

All she could remember was that a voice inside her head was constantly whispering.

"It's okay. You're safe. Let go, let go..."

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