Chapter 2

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Zoros P.O.V

Since Zoro couldn't remember the way back through the forest, Usopp offered to walk in front. As soon as he got comfortable with the new company, he startet to brag about how good his memory was and that he was a real good leader and fearless and much more things. Of course that wasn't always true, but Zoro was used to his little white lies already. It was just his kind.

Shae giggled time after time. Zoro just assumed that she saw through his words.

They've walked for a while and the moon was standing bright at the clear nightsky. Usopp had just asked Shae if she had any weapons, and to not mistreat their trust, she showed them two very long daggers, that kind of seemed like some sort of short swords, but not long enough for proper swords. They had some very detailed ornaments and inscriptions in a language, that Zoro didn't knew, on them.

"If you want, you can keep them as long as I'm with you." Shae said.

Zoro raised his eyebrows and responded:" I don't think you would attack us. Keep them with yourself. I guess your not much longer here than we are. Anything could happen here. We better are prepared."

Shae nodded satisfied and put her daggers under her clothing again, after she allowed Usopp to take a closer look at them.

"They were a present. They're just really important to me. Also, if I'd selled them, they would bring me loads of money, but I would never give them away for money. They're worth much more than for me you know." Shae suddenly mentioned into the silence.

-"Well you better not tell Nami, right Zoro?" Usopp poked Zoro friendly with his elbow into his ribs.


"Nami. She is our navigator and when she hears the word beri she goes crazy."

"Seems like someone that's fun." chuckled Shae.

They went on like that, and Usopp was really enthusiastic in telling stories.

"I wonder what you will think about our captain! He's always hyped and he often gets into trouble but he would never let his friends down!"

"Sounds like you're really happy being with him."

"Of course! You know when I met him, he helped me through lots of trouble and when he went on with his journey, he insisted that I should go with him, as a new won friend. My life has been a whole big adventure since!" Usopp had sparkles in his eyes and a bright smile on his lips.

Shae just mumbled:" Reminds me of someone..."

Yes, Luffy... I'm really curious about what he will say. But as I know him, he will be happy about new company, even if it's only til the next island.

Usopp interrupted Zoros thoughts as he mentioned:" Only 2 minutes, we should be there soon."

Yes, Zoro could remember the way now, they would arrive any minute. He already could smell the smoke that came from the bonfire the others made. Shae didn't say anything. She seemed to think about wether she should put up her hood again or not.

As they came nearer, they could hear their friends voices speaking and a fire rustle. It smelled of grilled fish.

Shae had decided to not put her hood up and was staring to the ground. The cut Zoro made on her cheek was deep and blood was smeared all over the right side of her face. He watched her frown and he wondered if anything was wrong.

Just a few moments after, they stepped out of the forest and they could feel sand instead of grass under their feet again.

Shae was behind them.

Sanji was at the fire, grilling the fish they had caught that morning, Nami was sitting near him, studying a map, and Luffy just enjoyed staring at the horizon. Zoro knew that now that they were on the grandline, Luffy came just a huge step closer to his life goal.

Sanji was the first to notice Usopp, Zoro and Shae.

"Hey guys, who did you bring with you?"

Nami and Luffy turned around at that question and curiously gazed into their direction. Since it was already dark, they couldn't see Shaes face properly. Without saying anything they stepped closer to the fire, and when there was enought light to identify something, Luffy and Shae suddenly seemed to be turned into stone. The others noticed their sudden shock, and for some seconds, nobody dared saying anything.

Luffy was the first to break the silence.

He slowely stood up, his body trembling.

After that, he run in a incredibly high speed straight towards Shae. His friends eyes widened. Was he going to attack her?!

But Shae, when she finally moved again, her eyes widened in shock and other mixed feelings, did the same.

They both opened their arms and at the same time, they shouted their names.

"Shae!!" - "Luffy!"

They reached eachother and held eachother close. Zoro couldn't see it clearly, but he thought that he's seen a tear escaping the corner of Luffys eye.

They stood there for long, said nothing, just holding eachother like they were afraid that someone would come and tear them apart.

Finally they let go of eachother, still shocked, confused, and totally brought out from their constitution.

Luffy then whispered:" Is it really you? Is this a dream or something?"

"Yes it's me! Luffy, wha, what are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question! You grew up so much...and, what is that on your cheek?"

Zoro, Usopp, Nami and Sanji obviously, were very confused.

"Luffy, who is she?" Nami asked now.

Luffy turned around and he looked like he had drifted off and now seemed to remember that his friends were actually here too. His expression turned to happy shocking, into pure felicity.

"Who she is?" He said with a giant smile, "This, friends, is my sister!!!"

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