Chapter 11

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After a few days where ace and shae were traveling across the ocean, they finally reached the next island which brought them closer to the man ace was looking for. Shae had asked him about the man, which called himself blackbeard. As she learned what he did to the family ace had together with whitebeard, she could easily understand his hatred towards him. And altough she had a suspicious feeling about him wanting to kill blackbeard, she didn't say anything that could open a rough discussion.

Shae felt during the time spent together with ace, what of a perfectly good team they both made. Also, day by day, she realized how much she really missed him. Luffy was in her mind too, as well as all the others of course. But shae knew that they were thinking of her too and that one day, they'd reunite.
Bit first, other things claimed priority.

"A summer island, it looks like." Shae noticed from their small boat. Ace nodded in agreement. Different like her, he loved the sun and the heat burning on his skin.

"We will rest a day until the logpose has uploaded itself. I think we're already close to..." he hesitated for a moment, than spoke his name with a dark undertone:"Teach."
Shae just worringly glared at him.

Shortly after they reached land and decided to explore the island for a bit.

"Are you familiar with this island?" Shae asked him. He shook his head. He seemed to be in a relaxed condition.
Shae frowned and got very attentive to their suroundings. She didn't trust new things easily. There could always be enemies which shewasn't aware of, and most of the time she had never seen their faces. But they were here.

Ace and shae walked further into the island, from the shore across to large amounts of green grass, a tree standing here and there, until they've reached what was seeming to be a small village.

"Shae, what are you doing? It's really hot right now..." ace stared at shae while she was covering her head with her hood. She agreed, it was hot, but she'd always cover her face when going to new places. That's maybe why she hated the heat of summer. Shae shrugged her shoulders in risponse.

They went on walking since ace decided to visit the village. Soon they arrived at the first buildings and already found a simple, small tavern. They were thirsty, so they entered and took a seat in a corner. There were quite a few people in there, as well a group of young, drunk men. Ace rolled his eyes at the sight and told me to wait here while he got us something to drink and maybe learn something new about blackbeards residence. Taverns were always a good place for gossip, shae had learned lots about what was going on in the world from bartenders.

Ace had been talking a while and so shae assumed that blackbeard must've been on this island shortly before.

By now the heat was just too much to handle for her so she slowely took her hood off, eyeing her suroundings. Nothing seemed dangerous for her.
Suddenly she saw ace leaving out of the room to the backdoor together with the bartender, after he had made an inviting gesture towards ace.

Now shae felt a bit uncomfortable. Without ace the presence of secureness and calmness was lacking. So she was left alone with her thoughts.

I mean, it's not like I couldn't defend myself. I've promised garp I can't give the government any evidence of what I'm capable of and who I am. But I'm so fucking tired of hiding! I've been hiding my whole life, without even knowing exactly why...

She was interrupted by a sloppy, deep voice that belonged to one of the men group, a tall, bulky guy, with a black stubble all around his face. He was smelling like alcohol really bad.

"Oi! What has brought a pretty lil' girl like ya' in this shit town?" Shae ignored him and didn't even bother facing him, which seemed to make him angry.

"Hey! I'm talkin' to ya'! Are you fucking deaf?" The rest of the group now approched shae, all smirking and unbelieveably drunk. She proceeded getting up from her seat and leaving through the frontdoor, but stubble guy blocked the door immediatly.

"Where ya' think yagoin', huh?" One of them in the back called. She could now see the devilish smirk on all their faces, seeing that there would be no escape whithout using violence.

If I could only use my powers, they'd shit their fucking pants. But now I'm helpless...Shit.

Stubble guy now harshly grabbed her wrists, the others supporting him. Without using her powers there'd be nothing she could do against a dozen bulky, drunk men.

"You are too beautiful to let ya' go now ya' see hehehe" Shae could smell his stinking breath as his face was only an inch away from hers. She nervously thought of a way out, bit the other men where grasping on her, trying to get her into a side room. She heavily tried to get herself free, to call for help but stubble guy covered her mouth with his filthy hand. Now they had her in that room, the door closed and her upper bodyclothing almost ripped away, shae was now taking all the risks. She proceeded using her devil power.

Just as one of the men roughly pushed her legs outwards and proceeded of doing what he indeeded, a loud, sharp and terrifying voice made all the laughter stop.

"If you fucking touch her one more time, I swear I'll rip your guts out and stuff them in your shit mouths until you vomit on them."

Everyone froze to that ice cold tone of the voice, which belonged to none other than ace.
As they turned around and saw who had entered the room, one of them regonized him and shouted:"This is firefist ace! He will kill us all! Get the fuck out of here!!!"
Everyone's faces went paler than the moon, and immediatly, they all let go of shae and fleed far away from them. After all, they weren't strong people, just a bunch of pigs and idiots, that were way too drunk.

My fucking god that was damn close...

Shae couldn't quite manage to calm her heavy breathing down. She was frightened by the tone in ace's voice and how he could freeze the blood in her veins. Also, she almost took the greatest risk garp had forbidden her to take.

But ace had safed her again from a terrible fate.

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