Chapter 6

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Hunter leads me out of the house after telling me his father ordered everyone to go outside. When I asked why, he just laughed, saying that his mom is awake. As if I'm supposed to understand what that means.

"Can I see her?" I tentatively ask him as we walk aimlessly around the clearing. Hunter hasn't let my hand go, squeezing it reassuringly every time I flinch at sudden sounds or when we're approached by pack members.

Thank god it's dark already. During the last few days I realized that living underground for years really weakened my eyes, so walking around during the day was extremely painful. On the first day I got a really bad headache and couldn't sleep at all. Hunter rubbed my temples with his thumbs, but even the slight tingles didn't help much. At first I was terrified of him, but Thea's words about him being my mate and the delicate tingles caused by his touch really helped with getting over my fear. He's been nothing but caring and loving, letting me have my space when I need it and providing reassurance when I'm afraid.

"Not now, my love. Dad is showing mom how glad he is she's okay." I give Hunter a confused look, making him burst out laughing. I watch him as he laughs, mesmerized by his handsome face and deep voice.

"I'm pretty sure I'll get another sibling soon." I feel my eyes widen at his words. He means they're having sex! Oh God this is embarrassing.

"How many siblings do you have?" I curiously implore as Hunter leads me to a fallen log, carved into a bench of sorts. He pulls me onto his lap, causing warmth to spreads through my body, then gently wraps his arms around my torso, watching for my reaction. The first two days here were the hardest for him, as I flinched every time he tried to touch me. It was purely out of instinct, not because I was afraid of him. I was so used to getting hurt with every touch that having a man treat me with utmost care and caress me lovingly was a shock. I almost got over my fear, but only when it comes to Hunter.

"I have 8 brothers. I'm the oldest, at 25, then there's Theo, he's 20, Liam, who's 18, Jason, he's 16, Sean is 14, Cason is 12, Damon, just turned 10 and finally Aaron and Jax. They're 8." I gape at him in bewilderment, making him chuckle. "Yeah, it gets crazy sometimes. How the hell mom managed to stay sane with 10 guys at home will forever remain a mystery to me." I smile at him. It's clear he loves his family a lot, I can hear it in his voice.

"I'm pretty sure I'll get their names wrong for a while."

"Don't worry about it. They're used to it." Hunter assures, his silver and golden eyes softening as he looks at me.

"How come?"

"All of us resemble my father a lot. A lot of pack members get confused with their names, since they're so close in age. Well, except for me. Though I'm the one that looks like my dad the most, the only difference being my eye that I got after mom." He explains and I nod in understanding.

"Don't you have any sisters?"

"No. For some reason my parents couldn't get a daughter. I think it's because of mom's Undead gene. That one thing is the sole reason your father was so obsessed with her. She's the only female Undead ever. – I lean up in his lap, hanging onto his every word – Do you know what your father wanted my mother for? – I shake my head slowly. My father never told me anything. – He wanted to get her pregnant with an Undead. His goal was to have a pure-blooded Undead that he could control and use to gain power. – I gasp in shock. That big man at the mine. He was an Undead! – What he didn't know when he took my mom was that only the firstborn child receives the Undead gene. And that's me." Hunter finishes with a hard look.

"So you're-" He cuts me off.

"A hybrid. Half Undead, half werewolf."

Wow. I realize that I said that out loud when I hear Hunter's laughter, his eyes crinkling with amusement.

"Glad you think so, little mate." He presses his lips to my forehead before gazing at me adoringly, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

We stay outside for few more hours, just talking and getting to know each other.

I literally freaked out when Hunter told me he's a future Alpha. I have really bad experience with Alphas. There was a young Alpha that used to come to the mine to hurt me. He took pleasure in causing me pain whenever he used me. He was always extremely brutal when he raped me, telling me how I'm his personal whore and how much he loves fucking me, especially when I resist him.

When I finally calmed down, I told Hunter about this. – I didn't feel the need to hide it from him, I'm sure he was aware of what I went through with all the 'proof' running down my thighs – He was enraged when he heard about it. He swore he's going to hunt down the Alpha that hurt me and kill him in the most painful way possible.

Despite his harsh words, I feel relieved. I can see the care and love in his eyes, something I haven't gotten from any other person in my life, except for my mother. But after she died, I was left with my deranged father and his people, who used me as their stress reliever.

I lean my cheek against Hunter's bare chest, with my arms around his waist, as he rubs my back soothingly, the tingles slowly lulling me to sleep. I never slept well while I was kept by my father, but with Hunter I feel so safe I can fall asleep anywhere, as long as he's with me.

I hear a growl-like sound coming from Hunter's chest, but instead of scaring me, it makes me melt in his embrace. It sounds like he's purring.

"Mine." I hear a deep voice growl after few moments.

But it's not Hunter.

The Hybrid (Alpha Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now