Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

    Peter wasn't quite sure what to do. He just grabbed Beck and lifted him up, getting out of the square as quick as he could. He heard police coming down to the square and he panted as he made it to the top of one of the buildings. He landed and gently laid Beck down on the ground, "Beck....Beck....come on...."

    He didn't know what to do. He could feel himself starting to panic. He heard footsteps and spun around to see someone that he'd only heard about.

    "You're a very difficult man to catch, Mr. Parker," the man said. "You and your friend here."

    Peter swallowed, "Fury?"
    Fury nodded, "We seem to have a problem in Europe and we need some heroes to take care of it."

    Peter shook his head, "I'm not having any conversation until I know he's okay." He gestured at Beck who was still unconscious. Fury sighed and then nodded.

    "Let's get to the car."

    Peter nodded and lifted Beck up again. They went to Fury's car and he saw another woman already there.

    "This is Agent Hill," Fury nodded.

    "Hi," Peter said softly, "I'm Peter Parker..."

    "Nice to meet you Mr. Parker," Hill nodded at him as they started driving. Peter was quiet again. He couldn't believe that Mysterio was Beck. It didn't make any sense. He thought back to their argument. Shit. He'd been trying to leave too. They'd both tried to make the same hero excuse to get out of that situation so they could deal with the problem. And somehow, Beck had gotten over here too. He hoped MJ was okay. They got a building and Peter got out of the car. A couple men came forward and lifted Beck out of the car.

    "He'll be taken care of," Hill assured him before she followed them. Peter nodded and then took a breath.

    "Okay, what's going on?"

    "There's been an increase in criminal activity lately," Fury replied, "These...villains are appearing all over the place, trying to lure heroes out of hiding."
    "Well, it worked," Peter sighed softly.

    "It did," Fury nodded, "But it's a good thing you two were here, as there were no other heroes close enough to be able to do something about it."

    Peter nodded, "I really don't want to just hunt super villains all week....I really want to just have a normal field trip..."

    "You don't get to choose that," Fury replied.

    "No, sir, I really am not trying to get involved in this. We took care of these guys...can't you get someone else if there are others?"

    "Everyone else is unavailable. You weren't my first choice, Parker."

    "How do you know there are even going to be anymore?" Peter asked, "Maybe that was the end of it....?"

    "There are at least two more guys that we've managed to track down in Europe."

    "Let me guess," Peter said softly, "Paris and London?"

    "Very good."

    Peter shook his head, "I cannot spend my whole field trip doing this."

    The door opened and Hill came in with a very dazed looking Quentin Beck. Peter let out a breath of relief. Their eyes met and Beck stared at him for a second before pointing at him.

    "The fuck?"

    Peter stared at him, before pointing back at him, "Why're you getting mad at me?!"

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