Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Peter was still somewhat mad at Beck for his dumb excuse in London but he tried to look past it. He had to figure out what to do. He could still just say that it was a joke. He decided that it would be his best choice. But for now, he had to deal with this full day of stuff. They were going to the top of the Eiffel Tower later on in the afternoon and he was preparing himself for that. He had his earpiece in but it was turned off. The only way that he would get a message through it is if Fury turned it on to tell them they needed backup. But he was sure Beck would deal with the guy easily. He just wanted to have his moment with MJ. The beginning of the day went rather quickly in his opinion. They woke up and ate breakfast before heading out around the city. He and Ned tried to pronounce all of the French words and butchered every single one of them. They got lunch at a little cafe near the Eiffel Tower and Peter could feel his heart beating even faster. He could barely even eat. After they'd eaten, they headed to the tower and Peter held tightly onto the little bag with the necklace in it. He could do this.

"Mr. Harrington, I don't do very well with heights," Peter heard Beck talking with his teacher, "Can I just stay down here and wander around? I'll stay close."

That must be his excuse. Peter took a breath. He felt bad that his friend was going to have to take this guy on by himself but Beck was strong. He could do it. He glanced at him and gave him a little nod. Beck gave him a small smile as he passed and everyone else got into the elevator to go up. Ned looked at him.

"Is he going now then?"

"I guess so," Peter nodded. He glanced around and saw MJ. He had to get closer to her. Once they were out of the elevator he quickly hurried to stand by her. "Hey..."

"Hey," MJ nodded at him.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Peter asked, ducking his head.

"Yeah," MJ agreed, "Definitely."

Peter nodded. He took a breath and reached into his pocket for the necklace, "Uh...there's been something I wanted to tell you....for a while..."

MJ looked at him, "Okay..."

"Uh...," Peter took a breath, "MJ...I-"

" Spider-Man," MJ said and Peter froze.


"You're Spider-Man."

" I'm not," Peter looked at her, "Why would you think that?"

"You disappear all the time when there's something going on," MJ shrugged, "It really wasn't that hard to pick out."

"I'm....not Spider-Man," Peter shook his head quickly.

"I'm pretty sure you are."

Peter opened his mouth to reply when he felt his earpiece crackle. He paused.

"Parker? We need you."

Peter clenched his jaw. It was probably Beck getting back at him for being mad at him or something to interrupt his moment. He glanced back at MJ who was giving him a weird look and he was about to respond when he got another message.

"Beck's been compromised."

Peter swallowed hard and looked at MJ, " Spider-Man...and I really gotta go."

"Wait, really?" MJ looked at him, "Because I was only like sixty-five percent sure."

"I am," Peter nodded, "And I need to get out of here."

"Wait? What's going on?"

"Okay, so...I...," Peter grabbed Ned's arm as he started walking, "Beck's in trouble I have to go."

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