Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

    Peter had left Ned and Beck to sit together so he could sit with MJ on the way back to New York. He was really happy. He knew he'd have to talk to them about it from the looks they were giving him across the aisle but for now he was happy to just be hanging out with the girl that he really liked. They didn't have any time to talk at the airport, all of their parents were there so Peter expected an interrogation the next time they saw each other. He made sure to tell May that he was alright and that he'd taken care of everything in Europe. He happily mentioned that his plan had worked as well. And then he had to go and meet up with Ned and Beck who had continued to text him until his phone froze about meeting up to talk. They sent him a spot that they usually went to and he sighed before grabbing his shoes and heading out. He made his way through the city streets and then found himself in the park where they had wanted to meet. He smiled and headed over when he saw them sitting down in the grass.

    "Hey guys..."

    "So?" Beck looked at him, "Tea time."

    "Yeah, spill the tea," Ned nodded.

    Peter grinned and sat down with them, "So that night in Paris I went to go talk to MJ just sort of happened."

    "That easily?" Ned asked in surprise.

    "Yeah...I went to tell her and I gave her the necklace," Peter smiled, "And she said that she liked it better broken cause it had broken in my fight but she liked it and I told her that I really liked her and then she kinda kissed me real quick so I asked if we could do it again and then we did..."

    "Please breathe," Beck looked at him, "But that's great!"

    "Yeah!" Ned grinned.

    Peter grinned, "Yeah, I'm really excited."

    "So where are you going to take her on a date?" Ned asked.

    "Maybe like a dinner or something..."

    "No, no, you gotta do something memorable," Beck insisted, "Something cool."

    "Yeah, you don't want her to think you aren't cool," Ned nodded.

    "I'm Spider Man," Peter stared at them.

    "Ooo, I'm Spider-Man, ooo so cool," Beck waved his hands.

    "I do not do that," Peter nudged him and the other boy started laughing, "Seriously, I think that's pretty cool."

    "Yeah, but you already used that card," Ned nodded, "It's on the table now."

    "Do something Spider-Man-y with her," Beck nodded.

    "I am not fighting bad guys with her."

    "Not like that, stupid," Beck groaned.

    "Oh, I got it," Ned nodded, "Swing around the city with her."

    "That's a good idea!" Beck agreed.

    "I don't know if she'd be interested in that or not...." Peter frowned.

    "You can just offer." Ned nodded.

    "Maybe...," Peter thought about it. He'd get to hold onto her really tightly. That would be cool. "I'll give her the opportunity."

    "That's the spirit," Beck grinned at him.

    "Why can't we just go on a double date?" Peter looked at Ned.

    "Oh...Betty and I broke up," Ned nodded.

    "You WHAT?" Beck looked at him, "Do you mean I had to endure you two on the way home for NOTHING?"

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