Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    The trip to London was not spent sleeping on the bus like he had expected. Instead it was him, Ned, and Beck all discussing Beck's suit and what it let him do. Peter was definitely impressed. If Beck had somehow designed this thing on his own, he had to be one of the smartest people in the world. Why was he still in high school if he could do this? But Peter was glad he was. They were good friends. Once they got to London, they checked into their hotel and unpacked their stuff. Peter had almost forgotten about the fact that there was going to be some guy out here that they'd have to fight. He was more focused on just enjoying the sights. London was a really pretty city. Tomorrow they had a city tour and Peter was definitely looking forward to it. Beck came over to his room after everyone had settled in for the night.

    "Ready for this to go down without a problem?"

    "Definitely," Peter nodded.

    "Alright, Parker, Beck, the guy's on the bridge," Hill's voice came through the earpiece. "Take him down. He looks like he's pretty dangerous."

    "It's okay, Maria," Beck smiled, "We've got the power of god and anime on our side."

    Peter grinned at him and they were greeted with radio silence for a moment.

    "It's Agent Hill. And I don't even want to know what that means."

    "We'll be there soon," Peter replied. He waved to Ned, "Make up a good lie for us."

    "You got it," Ned nodded, "Kick some ass tonight."

    "And if we're lucky, we'll get some too!" Beck called as he flew out the window. Peter rolled his eyes and shot his webs, following after his friend as they made their way through the city. They moved over to the bridge where Peter saw the guy standing there.

    "What do you think this guy's deal is?" Peter asked.

    "No idea...but Hill said they were around here somewhere so if we need some backup we got it. Even if they don't think they'll be any help...," Beck looked over at the guy. "Everyone's got a gift these days."

    Peter nodded and looked around, "We should probably figure that out..."

    "Easy," Beck nodded at him and his helmet appeared on his head, "I'll just attack him."

    Peter sighed, "I swear..."

    "You ready to fucking die?" Beck asked him as he hovered next to him.

    Peter snorted, "I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me."

    "That's the spirit!" Beck took off, spiraling across the bridge and going to blast the guy with his lasers. Peter swung up on the bridge and watched him. He paused, the hair on his neck standing up and he jumped, backflipping over something that flew underneath him. He let out a breath.

    "Beck! He's got something weird!" he shouted as he swung around the arch of the bridge. The thing looked like some sort of weapon. He wondered if he would be able to catch it if the guy threw it again.

    "I got it," Beck was flying back away from him, "He doesn't have any henchmen..."

    "What's his thing?" Peter asked, "I couldn't tell."

    He jumped to avoid the boomerang thing again and swung to a new hiding spot.

    "You know my powers?"

    "Just imagine that but like....stronger."

    "So I'm fighting you?"

    "Yeah, basically."

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