Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    Peter definitely regretted partying all night since they did have to get up early so they could catch their tour bus to the next city. He kept the necklace he had bought for MJ tucked into his backpack. It was nice that they got their own little ride around Europe. He just hoped that there wouldn't be any bad guys showing up for the rest of the trip. He just wanted to relax. They spent the first day in Prague just wandering around near their hotel. The next day they went out and about in the morning, stopped back for a late lunch/early dinner and then got ready for the big festival. Peter had managed to get MJ alone for a minute and ask her to hang out with him at the festival. He assumed he'd have his friends with him as well, so it wouldn't be as awkward.

    "Is everyone ready to party?" Beck asked as he opened the door to their hotel room.

    "See I told you we should've locked it," Peter glanced at Ned who shrugged.

    "Aww, don't be like that," Beck grabbed Peter around the waist and lifted him up.

    "Don't do that!" Peter wished he could just web the boy once but he couldn't let anyone figure it out. Only Ned knew and he'd prefer to keep it that way. Beck grinned and set him down.

    "Come on, this is going to be incredible," the older boy grinned, "We get to run around the biggest party in the world until we want to die."

    Ned laughed, "Betty and I are going to wander around a little together so the three of you have some fun."

    "The three?" Beck looked at Peter, "Oh! You invited MJ?"

    "Yeah," Peter smiled, "Is that alright?"

    "I guess I'll just be the third wheel," Beck groaned. They finished getting ready, Peter hoped that he looked alright. Maybe MJ would think that he looked good. The four of them headed out of the hotel room and then Ned went to meet up with Betty. MJ came over to their little group and Peter smiled.

    "It's just the three of us," he nodded.
    "No problem," MJ shrugged, "Ned's with his girlfriend?"

    "Yeah," Peter nodded. He gave her a small smile, "But we're still going to have fun."

    "We better," MJ nodded, "This is supposed to be super cool."

    "Hell yeah it is," Beck agreed. "You think we can trick people into getting us drinks?"

    "Stop," Peter nudged him.
    "Why?" Beck grinned at him as they walked out with the rest of the group, "I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty-two. So I can drink if I want."

    "Did you really just quote Taylor Swift?" Peter asked.

    "I don't remember her saying that she can drink if she wants but she most definitely can. Maybe she'll think I'm older and then....well you know," Beck laughed and winked at him. Peter smacked him.

    "Stop it."

    MJ was laughing, "You're ridiculous."

    "Celebrity cheat list, go," Beck nodded.

    "We are not talking about that," Peter shook his head, "We're supposed to be having a fun time at the party."

    "Alright, alright," Beck nodded, "Festival time only."

    MJ nodded and they headed into the crowds of people. Peter glanced around. It was pretty crazy. There was music and people in costumes. There were games up and down the streets along with food, shops, and rides were in the main square.

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