A "Normal" Day

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The story begins in a high school call canterlot high where freshman through seniors go you may know the junior heroes in canterlot high sunset shimmer the element of empathy, twilight sparkle the element of magic, fluttershy the element of kindness, pinkie pie the element of laughter , applejack the element of honesty, rarity the element of generosity, and rainbow dash the element of  loyalty and together they form the power of friendship. 

But not anymore ever since sunset died and twilight was kick out of the group the mane 7 was no more however they will be restore by applejacks little sister apple bloom whos best sophmore friends are raritys little sister sweetie belle and rainbow dash's little cousin scootaloo (cousins because in my version their moms are sisters) together these 3 girls made a club called the canterlot movie club where they watch movies togethers but sadly for apple bloom her friends will betray her and become her enemies which will get her sent to another school there not only will she find new friends and a soul mate but she'll rescue 5 innocent victims, destroy 5 monsters, restore another life for a poor fellow to have, and bring the mane 7 back together again s well as the elements of harmory. 

This story is hers

Apple Bloom: [i was running hoping i wouldn't be late for school lucky i wasn't late i was actually early but i didn't know why i was still running i just didn't stop until i saw my best friends sweetie belle and scootaloo near the front of the school i was excited to see them as they were whispering to each other] hey guys what are you guys whispering about? [they turn towards having frowns on there faces]

Scootaloo: [nervously] uh no reason we were just talking about this popular quest we been doing

Sweetie Belle: [nervously] yeah no offence but we been trying to be popular and none of those ideas work maybe we should just give up

Apple Bloom: no we're not look guys we have to be patient popularity doesn't just happen instantly

Scootaloo: but diamond tiara already popular just because shes rich meaning she didn't have to be patient

Sweetie Belle: yeah despite being a bully she still more cool than we are. [then she thought of something] how about we become bullies as well

Apple Bloom: no!!! we can't stoop so low as her we're better than her and i promise we will cool together okay

Scootaloo: [unsure] yeah together [sorry apple bloom but diamond actually promise us we can be popular if we join her bully ways so it looks like its time to end our friendship]

Sweetie Belle: [not convince] yeah whatever [we won't be your friend anymore we will be tiaras friend as soon as we get rid of you for helding us back of becoming popular]

Apple Bloom: [unaware of her friends betrayal] great lets go to the library and learn more about being popular so that our quest will finally be complete [her "friends" reluctantly agreed but as soon as apple bloom headed inside to two evilly texted diamond tiara about the situation]

Scootaloo: (texted: hey we tried to get apple bloom to join us but fail, looks like its time to go through that evil plan you had)

Sweetie Belle: (texted: yes its time for operation bully expell)

Diamond Tiara: (texted: execellent time for you to get the popularity that apples been preventing you two from getting)

Once the texts were sent the two girls enter the school where nothing but evil thoughts of their plan to become cool.

But little did they know that not only will they temporay destroy apple blooms life, they will also destroy their lifes even more. Plus apple bloom might loose her familys trust but will be getting a boyfriend.

My little pony belongs to Hasbro

APPLE BLOOM AND THE POWER OF WAKING 7Where stories live. Discover now