Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

The Prince heaves a sigh before leaning back and laying on the bed. He doesn't acknowledge me. Just stares at the ceiling in silence.

"I'm really sorry about your mother." I say. His eyes cut over to me as if just remember i'm here. "She sounds like she was a lovely person."

His eyes narrow at me before he sits up straight. "I didn't tell you this to get your pity." He snaps. "It was a long time ago. It doesn't matter anymore." He stands and walks across the room.

"I was just trying to..." I trail off as he disappears into his closet. I stare after him for a moment, confused by his reaction. I just wanted to help him by helping him get past his nightmare. I hoped talking about it would make him feel better, instead he's still angry. I'm starting to think he starts everyday angry and ends it the same way.

I heave a sigh before falling back on the bed. Why does he have to be so complicated? I'm his personal servant now. That means eventually I should be able to read his mind and know what he wants, right? However I can already tell that is going to be impossible.

"Servant." The Prince calls, and I sit up to see him coming from his closet. He now wears a pair of dark slacks and a dark button up top. He was only in there for a second right? "I have some business to attend to." He explains. "While I'm out, clean this room."

"Yes sir." I reply with a nod. He fixes the cuffs of his shirt as he walks to the door.

"Oh, and don't leave this room." He adds.

"W-why?" I ask. "What if I finish early? Or what about when it's time to eat?"

"If you finish early, find something else to do. And as for eating, you have hours before meal time. I'll be back before then." With that, he leaves. At his exit, the room suddenly becomes enormously large and too quiet. A chill runs up my spine and I shiver.

"Alright, Elizabeth, let's get to work." I tell myself.

I follow the steps on what I was taught earlier on cleaning. I wipe down every surface and scrub every crevice. I even shake out his clothes and place them back exactly where I got them. I try my best to clean without moving things too much, afraid he'll snap at me for that too.

I straighten the Prince's bed last, making sure to fluff his pillows to perfection, and step back to look at the room. I was hoping to be proud of my work, but the room looks exactly the way it did before. Spotless.

I sigh. "Cleaning for hours, something that was already clean." I say to myself. "But as long as I did the work he'll be satisfied, right?"

A knock at the door startles me a little. Who could that be? Should I answer it? Am I allowed to answer it? The Prince hasn't informed me of any rules just yet. The knock comes again and I decide to answer it and hope the Prince doesn't get angry later.

I open the door just enough to see who's outside and I gasp at the person on the other side. My heart starts to pound, and my legs begin to tremble as my fear grows into terror. I try to slam the door closed, but I'm too slow. Prince Nicholai catches the door and pushes it open, inviting himself inside. He smiles brightly at me as he closes the door behind him.

"Elizabeth!" He says excitedly. "Well isn't this a pleasant surprise." I back away trying to keep a large gap between us, but he continues to approach me. His eyes travel along my body and a sick feeling settles in my stomach. "You look so different now, but the smell of your blood..." He intakes a deep breath of air and sighs. "I'll never forget a smell that sweet."

"W-what are you doing here? What do you want?" I ask, my voice trembling.

"What am I doing here?" He asks with raised brows, as if my question is stupid. "What are you doing here, beautiful? Did my cousin trap you here?" To my dismay, I stumble over the coffee table and Prince Nicholai takes that as his opening to close the gap between us. He stands in front of me, arm around my waist and eyes locked with mine.

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