Chapter Thirteen (Demetri's POV)

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Chapter Thirteen (Demetri’s)

I watched Ellie disappear. I want so bad to stop her, but nothing I say will make her come back to me. I care about my throne and title too much to jeopardize it. If my father knew the truth, I’d be exiled, or worse killed. I love Ellie, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell my father the truth.

I reluctantly went back inside to the party. I walked through the two double doors and people once again congratulated me on the engagement. It made me angry that they’re so happy about something I want to get out of. Jules is a good friend of mine, but I don’t want to marry her. She’s not royalty, and this engagement is technically breaking the law. But my mother found her on the street as a beggar and left her with my uncle to take care of her. She was only a child back then. Now that she’s older, my father wants to carry on what my mother did and bring Jules into the royal family where she’ll always be taken care of. I just wish it wasn’t me she’d have to marry.

Someone took my hand and intertwined their fingers with mine, I immediately knew it was Jules.

“Hey. I was wondering where you were.” She said.

“Sorry. I had to take care of something.”

“Is everything okay? You seem bothered.”
“Everything is fine.”

“You sure?”

“Yes.” I forced a smile.

“Well okay. Come on, the Duke wants to speak with us.”
Jules lead me through the crowd of people. We stopped in front of the Duke who was talking to another couple.

“Your highness!” He said with shock He and the couple bowed. “Congratulations on the engagement.”

“Thank you.” I forced another smile.

“You’re fiancée is just absolutely stunning.”

“You’re too kind.” Jules replied.

If only he could meet Ellie. She was far more beautiful than Jules. It makes me frustrated that they can’t compliment Ellie.

“I hope to see you in the meeting tomorrow afternoon.” The Duke said.

“You can count on it.” I answered. “I’m looking forward to hearing your battle strategies.”

“Well I hope they’re to your liking.”


As the party came to a close, I felt my body beginning to feel weak. The sun will be up soon. A lot of guests will be staying here in the palace until nightfall, others will take the risk of leaving.

“I should probably go to bed.” I told Jules, who looked tired herself.

“Sure. I’ll ask King Lucien where I should stay.”
“Come to my room. He’ll tell you to go there anyway.”

“Are you sure.”


Jules followed me to my room. It feels strange knowing that she’ll be there and not Ellie. Tomorrow I plan to find out where she lives. She said she was going home. My father has every resident in our kingdom filed. It should be easy to find her.

I got to my room where I could still smell Ellie. Her scent is still here and it makes me think of her more.

“You can have the bed.” I told Jules. “I’ll take the couch.”

“A prince should not sleep on the couch. I’ll take the couch.”

“No, it’s fine. Really.”

Ellie slept on the couch. I want to sleep where I can smell her scent. It would make me feel a little better.

“If you’re sure.” Jules said.

“I’m positive.”

I let Jules power a shirt of mine that she could sleep in. She changed into it and climbed under the covers. I stripped down to my underwear and found a blanket to cover myself. I laid down on the couch and the strong scent of Ellie hit my nose. It was a sweet scent, like flowers. I wonder where she is now.


I woke up from my nightmare, Usually Ellie would have woken me up. Instead this time I had to pull through it. I looked out my window and saw it was nightfall again. I looked over at my bed where Jules was still asleep.

I got up and got ready for the day. I then went to my father’s office. I went to his file cabinet and looked through them for Ellie’s name. After a while I finally found it. I pulled it out and sat down at my father’s desk. I looked through the file where I found pictures of her and her family. I looked for their address.

When I found it, I quickly put the file back and left his office. The guard tried to pull up a carriage, but I told him I would go on foot, and not to tell anyone that I left. I didn’t walk at a normal pace, too excited to see Ellie again. With my supernatural speed, I was in front of Ellie’s house in minutes.

It looked uninhabited. I can’t believe someone like her lives in a place like this. She deserves something far better.

I smelled blood and wolf. I began to assume the worse. Those creatures had gotten to her again. They hurt her.

I opened the door without knocking and saw a single bed towards the back, a beat up couch to the left, and small kitchen to the right. A puddle of blood was on the floor in front of the bed. I walked over to it and sniffed it. It didn’t smell exactly like Ellie’s blood which made me feel better.

I left the house and looked around searching for some sign that she was here. I saw two headstones to the side of the house and walked over to them. Written on them was: Here lies Jonathan Conwell and Marian Conwell, beloved father and mother.

Her parent’s graves. The blood must have belonged to one of them. Those creatures killed her parents and buried them? How sick are they? And why have they taken Ellie again? I should never have let her leave. But I swear I will find them and kill every single one of them until their entire race becomes extinct. They’ve crossed a line and they will pay.

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