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Keeping my promise to be selfish, I spent
every minute with Yibo. The only time we separated was when he had to go to work. Having spent a week back home my ceremony was tomorrow and I was beyond excited.

Much to my annoyance Yibo gave me my credit card yesterday; it was black and shiny like the rest of his. Except that it had my name on it "Use it," he said sternly.

Fat chance of that happening, he and his
cousins have already spent money I didn't even want to think about on my behalf.

I went into his garage and stole one of his
cars; I agreed to meet with Bin in the city. I wanted to go back to work but I didn't know how Yibo would take that. I missed work, besides I didn't want to be the typical housewife.

I glanced at my ring as I drove away, I felt
good to have it on my finger again. It felt wrong without it, like something was missing. I thanked the heavens that Yibo would chose to wed me of all people; the idea still baffled me. I guess I would
ask why me for the rest of my life.

I met with Bin at restaurant; it was good
catching up with him outside of the facility. We talked about almost everything, we were both excited about tomorrow. I was losing track of time.

Soon enough the sun was starting to set, I
said bye to Bin and went to Yibo's Porsche driving home.

I parked in the garage to see all of Yibo's
cars there; he beat me home. I went into the lounge to see him on the couch; he was still wearing his work clothes. He had his sleeves rolled up and the first three buttons of his shirt undone, revealing his chest; damn I swooned inwardly. I walked up to him

"If you didn't just look at me like that, I
would've been fuming at you," he said
I looked at him puzzled

"What? Why?" I asked.

"You told nobody where you went" he
clarified, slight irritation in his tone

"I left a note" I said.

"I saw it, after worrying sick. Your phone
was on voicemail." He said

I took out my phone and frowned

"Oh, battery died" I said sighing.

He shook his head, grinning,

"If you weren't an agent I would've considered getting you a bodyguard" he said wrapping his arms around me.

"Then thank God I 'am" I said, the thought of being followed everywhere by some scary looking guy unsettled me.

"From the look on your face I would've gotten a protest" he said sure of himself.

"You damn right" I said.

Then I shook my head, remembering that this was Yibo I was talking to

"But it wouldn't have mattered, would it?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

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