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Yibo left me in the suite breathless and
perplexed, I hated when he did that. He would just kiss me and I'd forget what I wanted to yell at him about. He claims I do it too all the time, though with me it doesn't work; okay maybe it does
sometimes but still. I sighed walking over to the bed and opened the suitcases, double-checking that I really didn't have a fancy wear stashed in there, much to my disappointment I didn't.

I only had what I would wear to the beach party.

I slumped onto the bed defeated; Yibo
couldn't be serious about getting me my own credit card. But knowing him, he was.
I knew I couldn't fight him and win; I always give him his way. I could almost hear Zela's voice, Sweetie you are dating a Billionaire, you better stop whining
and get used to it.

I laughed to myself; if she were here she
would've told me the exact same thing. I missed her; Mari and everyone back at the castle. I got up grabbed my bag and went out of the suite, down to the fancy lobby.

"Mr. Wang" the receptionist called out, I
was beyond shocked when I saw that she meant me, while I was pointing my finger to myself with confused expression.

"Mr. Wang left this for you" she said, handing me what looked like a letter. I
opened it

I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry, but try to have a good time. Matthew will take you to the docks when you are done, think of it as a surprise peace offering.

Yibo 💜

I closed the letter and smiled to myself, of
course he would try to make emends when I forgave him the second he pissed me off. The receptionist gave me a knowing look and I blushed, thanked her and walked out.

I found Matthew's black sedan at the
entrance, when he saw me coming he got out and opened the door for me. He greeted me when I climbed into the car.

"I don't exactly know where I'm going
Matthew" I said, he smiled and started the car.

"I'm aware, Mr. Wang told me to take you
to the mall and to the docks when you're through" he replied,

looking at me from the rear-view mirror.
He's thorough, I thought stifling a laugh.
I thought back to how shocked I was to hear myself be referred to as Mrs. Wang, and how much pleasure it brought me. I sighed, hey a gay can dream too right?
Matthew parked in a huge complex, and opened the door for me.

"I'll be right here when you get beck," he
said, and I nodded and walked into the first of the many buildings, glad to see that this was the main shopping building.
Lets get this over with I thought as I went through the many shops and boutiques, I was not sure exactly what kind of outfit I was looking for.

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