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There was no amount of pain in my lifetime that could compare to watching Zhan bolt out of my front door. I called after him trying to fight through this barrier he created, seconds later it vanished but so did he. I threw a huge glass vase against the wall in frustration and turned for my garage.

"Stop!" Mari's voice came through; I turned to see her come down the staircase with a blank expression.

"Let him go"

I raised my eyebrows at her as I picked up Zhan's ring of the coffee table

"Did you not see that? He left me, I can't just let him go." I mildly shouted at her.

Her expression softened

"I know, but he's hurting right now, he needs time" she said and I ran my hand
through my hair.

"I would never do something like this to him Mari" I said and she nodded

"I know." She said,

"You love him too much"

she added then her eyes darkened just as she slapped me across the face. Bewildered I looked at her

"That's for not telling him about it from the beginning. Things could've turned out a lot differently" she said irritated.

"Touché" I said and she put her hand on my shoulder

"You're just as confused as he is, I understand that. But find some answers first, that's the only way you can get him back." She said her eyes narrowing. They shifted to the ring in my hand and back to me, they were remorseful. I nodded and she turned and went back upstairs.

I sat in my study with my face in my hands. The room was peaceful and quiet, oblivious to my inner turmoil. I didn't even know where Zhan was, whom he was with, and if he was okay. But then again I knew the answer to the last one, He has
never looked at me like that, even when I broke up with him.

He really believed I cheated on him, I couldn't deny that my not telling him did not help matters. I didn't want to upset him besides, what would I tell him?

I woke up in Mian Mian's suite that morning completely confused as to how I got there, Mian Mian was nowhere to be found. I tried to remember what happened the night before but I was completely blank, though I was fully clothed from the waist down.

With a wave of relief I knew I didn't sleep with her, I would never in my right mind. What didn't add up was how I got in her bed in the first place because I was certain I didn't drink anything alcoholic.

Then I remembered that I came to help her with her TV set then she drugged me, but why would she do that?

I tried getting a hold of her but I couldn't, when I checked out the receptionist told me that she checked out hours earlier.

LEARNING TO FLY (YIZHAN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now