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We drove for some hours from Beijing,
Bin and I talked the whole way there, I liked him a lot. He seemed to get me very well; part of that being that we had so much in common.

I knew we had arrived when there were huge buildings in the middle of nowhere

"They're so obvious" Bin teased, I chuckled

"I know, they might as well put a neon sign
saying government facility," I said.

The bus stopped in front of two other
women and one man, by the way they were dressed and their demeanors; they were our superiors.

We got out of the bus and lined up in front
of them, there was still silence as the man in the middle walked up to scrutinize us one by one.

I held my breath and stared straight ahead as he reached me, he lingered on my face and gave a skeptical smirk and moved on.

"Attention!" he screamed and we all saluted

"Welcome to the worst month of your entire life, my name is Executive Officer Hao Xuan and these are my sub-commissioners" he said referring to the two women behind him.

"We will be in charge of your group, though
we will not be overseeing your training unless necessary," he said looking at us closely.

"A secret agent is the one of most important person in the China's defense forces, therefore we must do everything bigger, faster and better than everyone else, much better than the US defense forces" he said with conviction.

"This is not going to be a walk in the park
and if you walk through those doors you better be ready to push yourself beyond your own limits" he said looking at us

"Cowards and quitters should get back in that bus and leave immediately, for I want to work with agents here" he added, and no one made a move.

"Good" he said

"follow me"

he turned and headed towards the first building, he handed us over to another woman who introduced herself as Officer Chan; she said that she would be overseeing our training. She gave us a tour of the facility and what we will be doing.

At the end of our tour she led us into a
large room with beds; it looked like a dormitory.

"Clothes and every other necessities are
under your beds, bathroom is down the hall. Get settled in, I will be here bright and early tomorrow" she said and turned for the door. She stopped and the man with her yelled attention and we all stood up straight in silence.

"They call me black eagle around here, I do
not take any prisoners. I will be watching each and every one of you, do...not...disappoint me" he said and walked out.

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