Chapter 4

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They rush into the building and up the stairs, bursting into Ella's room. Ella is pacing about restlessly. She turns and gasps as they enter her room. "Hey guys," she greets them.

"Sorry," Ellie says panting, "for bursting into your room like this but..." (panting)

"It's okay, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon."

"We figure..." (pant) (pant) "We figure out what attacked you."

"You did? What was it?"


Ella starts to laugh, "You're joking, right? Werewolves aren't real."
"Yes, they are. By any chance have your wounds healed?"
"Yeah, they have." She pulls her sleeves up to reveal the spot where the bite was a few hours ago, except now the bite wound is gone.

"Shit, we need to act fast."

"What is it?"
"Your wounds shouldn't have healed with the few hours that we've seen each other, which means the venom is hard at work."

"Wait! You were serious about the werewolf thing?"

"Yes! Werewolves heal much faster than normal. They also have super strength and heightened senses."
"How do we stop it?"

"Well, from what it looks like you're already a werewolf, but luckily..."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Hey, it's okay! There's a cure!"

"There...there is?"

"Yes, but..."

"But what?"

"It'll be extremely painful. You might die."

"Oh. I don't want to be a werewolf though."

"Okay, I need to inject you with this." She holds up a syringe full of Alice's blood and something else that has a yellow appearance.

"What's that?"

"It's the blood of the werewolf that bit you and something else I can't really explain to you."


"Injecting the blood of your sire werewolf is the only way to change you from werewolf back to human again."

Ella takes a deep breath, "Okay, let's get this over with."

"You might want to lay down."

Ella lays down on the hospital bed. Ellie gently injects the blood into Ella's arm. Once all the blood is within Ella's body, Ellie pulls the syringe out. Ella starts to scream in agony. She rolls around on the bed for several minutes before she closes her eyes and doesn't move again.

Ellie moves over to her and pokes her. "Is she dead?" she asks Thomas.

"Don't ask me, I don't know." he answers.

Before Ellie can say anything else, the doctor rushes in. "What's going on?" the doctor asks.

"Nothing," Ellie answers nonchalantly, "she was having a nightmare. She's fine now."

"Okay." The doctor turns and leaves the room. Ellie sits down in the chair next to the bed, Thomas sits down on the couch and pulls out his laptop. He starts to look around on the internet for more information about werewolves.

Suddenly there's soft snoring coming from Ellie's general direction. He looks up to see Ellie fast asleep in the chair. He smiles to himself before continuing his search for information. About two hours pass before Ella starts to stir, Thomas closes his laptop and stands up.

Ella eyes open, "What's going on," she whispers.

Thomas walks over to her and says, "Congratulations! You're human again!"

Ella looks over to Ellie. "Is she okay?"

"Who? Ellie? Yeah, she's fine. She's just tired." He goes over to her and gently shakes her awake.

"What? Who? How?" Ellie jolts awake. "Thomas?"

"Hey, sleepyhead, look who's alright." Ellie looks up at Ella to see her sitting up and alive.

"You're okay!" Ellie lunges at her and pulls her into a bear hug.

(laughing) "Yeah, I'm okay! You're going to squish me to death though!"

"Sorry, I'm just glad that you're okay."

"Was I the first one you tried that on?"

"Yeah." Upon seeing Ella's skeptical look. Ellie adds, "but don't worry some of our friends have done it and it worked."

"Okay, whatever you say."
"We should go."

"Okay, see you later..." "...or maybe not."

"See you." Ellie and Thomas leave the room, "Hey Thomas?" Ellie asks on their way to the car.

"Hmm?" Thomas answers.

"Can we stop and get food on our way home?"

Thomas laughs, "Yeah, of course." They walk to The Melting Pot, which is one of their favorite diners. They go inside and Thomas turns and asks,"Want the usual?"

"Yeah," Ellie answers.

"Alright." The wait for food is quick and soon they're on the road again. It takes about 45 minutes for them to run home. Ellie walks into the entrance of the building and he follows carrying the food he bought.

They take the elevator up to their penthouse. Once they're upstairs, Ellie unlocks the door. Gray, who is by the door waiting for his mother, leaps at Ellie as soon as she enters the room. Ellie catches him and says, "Hey, Gray."

"Mama," Gray answers, "food?"

Ellie laughs softly and says, "Yes, love, we have food. Uncle Thomas has it."

Just then Thomas enters the apartment. Gray leaps at him and screams, "Food!"

Thomas smiles and walks to the kitchen to put the food down. Gray toddles behind him "Food!" he says again. Thomas pulls out some mac n cheese and puts it on a plate, then he lifts Gray up and puts her in her high chair. Gray happily starts to eat with her hands.

Thomas pulls out his food and Ellie's food. Ellie sits down and opens the container up. She uses the plastic fork that comes with the take out to eat. Once she is finished, she stands up and tells Thomas that she's going to bed. Thomas nods in response.

Ellie walks to her bedroom, changes into PJs and plops down on her bed. Before she falls asleep, she pulls out an entry and writes about her day.

October 7th 1993

Thomas got a call from Kara. Someone's been attacked by a werewolf. We need to make sure the person is okay and see if he or she was bitten or not.

Thomas and I went to meet the girl who was attacked today. She was bitten. We went to the nearest packhouse to see if they had any newly changed wolf pups. They didn't but the alpha said his son, Liam, had a human wife named Alice, so we went to question them.

It turns out it was Alice who attacked Ella. It was an accident and Alice didn't kill Ella. We'll still keep an eye on Alice though, just in case.

Shortly after finishing the entry, she falls asleep, her journal still open on her bed.

Back downstairs, Thomas finishes his food, then waits for Gray to finish his food. Once he is finished, he removes him from his high chair and puts him on the floor. He puts the paper plates and plastic containers in the recycling.

"Come on, Gray," he says, "let's go to bed." He picks Gray back up and carries him to his bedroom. He tucks him in and gently kisses his forehead. He quietly leaves the room. He enters his room and changes his clothes, before collapsing onto his bed.

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