Survival (Flashback)

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Simone's Pov

We all ducked down at shocking sound. Our heads swiveled in every direction trying to locate the source as we had been trained to do these past few weeks.

"What's going on," Julie asked; her tone neutral.

"We are under attack by an unidentified enemy," One of the two goons answered. Before he continued lifted his head and serveyed the area. It seemed to be safe so he continued," Right now we need to split you up so we can rendevouz at a safe location and continue to the hotel."

"I'm not going to split up with my friends again," Nyah demanded in a shakey but sure voice. "Last time we were split up we ended up kidnapped on a plane!"

The secound blond haired goon whip around toward her direction and stated,"You are going to have to deal with because there isn't enough time to servey the situation and make you comfortable. You're spies in training. Act like it!"

"Not by our own choice we aren't," she shot back.

Her answer hung in the air before it was pushed aside by the thunder of gun shots.

"Move out to the forest NOW!" Goon number one pushed a couple of us towards the dense foliage to get us along quicker.

We got behind the trees and were ordered to squat down so we might be able to understand what we were working with fully. We were atleast fifteen feet away from our now abandoned vehicle and we saw the shocking aray of dents that the rain of bullets had left. Thank God for bullet proof technology, I thought.

The next actions we took became choppy in my mind. As if I wasn't the one that had lived through them.

We split into two groups with not enough time for reassuring hugs or glances; just go time.

22-G was the name of our Spanish looking goon. He lead Robyn, Julie, and I through dense bushes and around trees that whipped any of our exposed skin with it's leaves and breanches. He kept looking at a device on his arm as we ran that looked similiar to a watch but what sane man would be checking a watch in a life or death situation? I couldn't ask because all my lungs knew was to give me enough air to keep me going; anything else would have pushed it.

Just when my body was burning from the exertion 22-G ordered us to stop for a break.

Robyn huffed an apprehensive,"Why?"

G-as I had dubbed him for short- checked his device once more before answering. "From what I can see, we have some allies that where coming to our aid. I alerted them and we bought ourselves some time. Let's just hope the others are that lucky."

"What do you mean 'hope'? Aren't they heading toward the same place as us? Shouldn't they be safe too," Julie had asked from her position slumped against a tree.

"You ask to many questions." With G's stone face and hard repy it was apparent that this would be his only answer on the subject.

I pray to the Lord that our friends have the same luck.

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