Intro Y/N

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Y/N Story. Your point of view

After the event's of IT (2017 film) summer after first IT . Ages of the losers :15-14

My name is Y/N, and I am Richie's twin sister. I was born 1 hour before him so, hey, I'm the older sister. My best friend's are the loser club. But the loser I go way back with is Billy, he has been my best friend ever since Rich and I moved to Derry when we were 5. Billy and I became friends right away. He and I would play make believe games, then his little brother came along. And then it was the 3 of us.  I love Billy so much, I know he loves me, but I'm not sure if it's in the same way, you see, lately, Billy has been closer to me then normal with Gorigie's disappearance, he talks to me more, hangs out with me more, but is more honest with me, Bill likes Beverly, he told me, so I told him I like Asher (some cute dude) and we gave each other advice and now, my Billy is dating Bev and I'm stuck dating the cute dude Asher, he's nice and all, but not my Bill.

But anyways. My mom has been really sick lately, dad's been an ass, Rich is being distant. This is all because of my mom is suppose to be having another child, but dad's not sure if he want's another one, but my mom definitely wants to keep the child. Now Rich, Rich, he and I lost our grandpa (due to old age), may sound kinda weird, but our grandpa was really important to me and Rich, he was the light in our dark. Gramps owned a farm out of Derry, but we wrote and spoke to him everyday over the phone, and one day, he never picked up, never responded to our letters, then we got told the news.  Ever after dad became a drunkard, going out late, coming back weeks later. 

We live 3 mins away from Bill's, but he's almost never home... cause of Bev. So i'm stuck chillin with Asher this summer... or maybe I can tell Asher I have the flu, and I can stay home watching re- runs of old horror shows and movies. But I shouldn't start planning too soon, summer is weeks away. 

Oh, did I forget to mention. We faced off an evil killer clown last summer. But hey, not a teen's main worry


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the intro. sorry if it's bad. It's my first time writing. I will try an update every 2 days. Please comment on idea's, I need loads. And tell me how I can improve my writing. 

Thank you for your time, 

your writer.

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