I know I can treat Bill better.

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I woke up. Feeling bad that I had to leave my mom and youngest brother. I got dressed into an overall. I got down the stair, There was my Rich. My twin brother who has been avoiding me. "Hey bud" I said. He didn't even look at me. "Dad...Dad..Left" he said sadly "I know bro, but he's alway's been such an idiot, yesterday he was yelling at mom like she was nothing. He is such a piece of shit" I said

 "OKAY. BUT THAT PIECE OF SHIT HAS BEEN TAKING CARE OF US" I stared at him and walked passed him "Bill is in the hospital, I'm going to visit him" I said trying to forget what just happened, but a wave of impulse hit me "And Rich. That so called father of yours abused me for the past few weeks. But since you have been so loving towards dad, you haven't even noticed. So like it or not. He is a piece of shit. Never more. Never less" then I saw Richie look as if he was about to explode so I ran out.

"Hey Billy" I said as I slowly walked into his hospital room.  "Y-Y/N" he asked gently "Shhh. It's okay. You dont have to speak" I say walking closer to him "Is Beverly coming?" Bill ask gently "Ahh. No. But she'll come tomorrow." I said.

I sat next to Bill. I fed him some food because one of his hands was on drip and the other was bandaged up from when he fell from the seizure.

He looked at me in ways I wished he looked at me before. "Thank you. For being here." he said "Dont thank me, This is what friends are for" I said with a rather sarcastic look on my face. Friends could do that, but it should of been Beverly. Why isn't Beverly here? if I was Beverly I would of been spending all my time with Bill. Which she does but where was she on the night when he fell off a tree? or the night he got the flu? or now. I know I can treat Bill better.

It'll be alright. Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now