Where mistakes end.... Or get exposed

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Me and my losers sat in a circle watching Tv in Bill's garage. He wrapped his arm around me when me watched dirty dancing with the rest of the losers. 

"I cant believe how cute Patrick is in this" I say trying to saying to annoy Bill 

"Well I cant believe that it's 11pm and me and Y/N are still not home. Let's get outa here Y/N before aunt Linsy tells mom and aunt Mae that we ditched the family to hang out with juveniles" Richie says with a large smile on his face helping me get up. "Bye Billy" I say kissing his cheek.

Rich and I rode our bike home.

"Hey aunt Linsy" Rich and I say "Hey babies" she says quietly watching tv with my baby brother in her arms. 

"Hi Dad" I say pulling him into a weak embrace. Dad and I are fine now, though he still lives 30 mins away from me. 

"MOM" Rich and I yell pulling away from dad's hug to get into one with mom

"Hello my precious little angels who certainly did not get into any trouble while I was away because I trust them and I trust that they did the right thing so I have no idea why the sherif is telling me that he caught you two graffitiing the local skate park and then after vandalising the skate park you two ran off to vandalise another park" mom said crossing her arms and lifting an eyebrow. Wow. How did she know that. 

"To be fair mom. We only did it to inform people on the unfairness on animals" Rich said

Yes mom. I have embraced the hippie life. "STAND UP TO NO ANIMAL TESTING" I say standing up on the chair getting dragged down by my dad "well look at the pictures" Dad handed us the Polaroid pictures that were taken.

It said USE PEOPLE NOT ANIMALS. And a quote rather familiar that said YO. FELLOW PEOPLE. YOU WANT MAKE UP? TEST IT ON YOSELF.

Rich and I stared at each other before running up the stairs to hide.

How could life get so much better in less than a year. I wonder why things like this happen. Just a few months ago I was a random girl with anxiety and social anxiety but now, I got Bill and my life got put back together. I will just remember next time I'm feeling out of it, It'll be alright, it always will be. 

But it's not impossible.  I know how I got what I wanted. I worked for it.

I just kept telling myself,

 it'll be alright.


Hope u guys enjoyed. This is finished 

-Tara Denbrough

It'll be alright. Bill Denbrough x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now