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  "woah. seems like you two are getting along a lot better."

the roommates groaned at the same time as the curtains in their room were opened and sunlight poured into the small room.

despite both of them wanting to get up and close the curtains, they both stayed in each other's arms and pulled the blanket over their heads to shield their eyes from the bright light.

"oh my god, wake up! tae we have plans today, remember?" jimin asked, tugging on the blanket that was covering jungkook and taehyung but jungkook was holding onto it very tightly.

jimin eventually gave up after playing tug of war with jungkook for a good minute.

there was no way he was getting the two out of bed

"taehyung! namjoon's here!" jimin lied and taehyung immediately sat up but jungkook stopped him from going anywhere by tightening his grip around his waist. "you liar." taehyung pouted as he rubbed his tired eyes, looking around the room and seeing no namjoon anywhere.

"desperate times call for desperate measures tae. now, go get ready so that we can go get breakfast and go shopping." jimin said and taehyung tried to get up but jungkook, once again, made it impossible for him.

"jungkook. let go." taehyung mumbled and jungkook shook his head. "no." jungkook grumbled tiredly and that made taehyung smile.

"if you let go, i'll buy you something while i'm out." taehyung bribed the younger and jungkook hesitated to let go but eventually he did.

taehyung stood up and shuffled over to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing his teeth to ready himself for the day ahead of him.

memories of last night played over and over in taehyung's mind as he got ready, making him unusually flustered and bothered.

"alright let's go jimin." taehyung said as he slid on a pair of his shoes and held his hand out for jimin.

jimin smiled and hopped up from his best friends bed, skipping over to him and grabbing onto his hand that was being held out to him.

"see you later jungkook." taehyung said and jungkook just waved, too lazy to respond verbally.


"so what happened between you and jungkook? you seemed really close there for a moment." jimin questioned taehyung as they sat down in the food court in the mall.

"i was being annoying last night and i somehow managed to get him to cuddle with me. you know how much i love cuddling so i was really happy that jungkook gave in." taehyung explained and jimin nodded along as they began eating their food that jimin so kindly bought for the both of them.

"what about you and yoongi? how'd that all go?" taehyung wiggled his eyebrows and jimin blushed, smiling shyly. "well we hooked up and then he said he wanted to get to know me and so we've been going on dates recently. he's seriously the cutest guy i've ever been with." jimin said and taehyung cheered happily for his best friend.

"i'm happy for you chim. it's about time you got a boyfriend who actually treats you right." taehyung said and his best friend sighed, agreeing with him with a nod.

they continued eating until all the food was gone while they talked about various topics.

once they were finished, they grabbed all their shopping bags and decided they were ready to leave and go back to the dorms.

"shit! jimin, i forgot to get jungkook something!" taehyung said as they walked out of the mall. "oh forget about it. he's not worth wasting your money." jimin said and taehyung shook his head, handing jimin his bags.

"i'll be right back. just wait in the car." taehyung said and ran back into the mall, walking around and looking at the various stores for something jungkook could possibly want.

taehyung walked passed a store that had fluffy sweaters and sweatshirts inside so he decided to go in and take a look.

he ended up buying a couple for jungkook and a few for himself because they were all so soft and comfortable looking.

"your total is one hundred thirty five dollars and sixty four cents." the cashier said and taehyung almost died upon hearing the price.

his pride screamed as he handed over the money and the cashier handed him his change, pushing the bag with the sweaters over to taehyung.

taehyung thanked the cashier and grabbed the bag, sighing as he walked towards the exit to the mall.

he was almost out when his eyes caught sight of a certain he remembered seeing jungkook go to all the time when they first became roommates.

hot topic.

taehyung sighed and decided to go in just to have a look around.

and that's when he saw them.

iron man socks.

taehyung smiled and walked over to the pack of socks, grabbing them and seeing that they were the last ones. now he just had to buy them.

"he better wear these until the day he dies." taehyung said and walked over to the cashier, quickly buying them and grabbing the small bag before leaving the mall.

he jogged to jimin's car, putting his two bags in the trunk before getting in the passengers seat.

jimin was leaned back in his seat, scrolling through his phone and only looked up when he heard taehyung's door close.

"what the hell did you by him? you came out with two more bags!" jimin exclaimed and taehyung rolled his eyes as jimin started driving back to the dorms. "just a few things. i got myself i couple more things as well." taehyung said and jimin chuckled, shaking his head and turning on the radio.

the two best friends sang along to the radio, being as loud as they wanted before they got back to the dorms and jimin parked in his normal parking spot that was thankfully still open.

"i'm gonna meet up with yoongi so i'll see you later." jimin said and taehyung hummed as he got out of his friends car, going to the back and getting all his bags before waving at jimin.

"i love you!" he yelled and jimin laughed. "i love you too!" he yelled back as he drove away once more.

taehyung smiled to himself and skipped off towards his room.

he was really hoping jungkook would like his gifts.

it's so hot so i'm just gonna die or whatever
how r u guys doing?

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