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  "i don't wanna do it

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  "i don't wanna do it."

jungkook was sitting on his bed with his arms crossed over his chest just staring at the screen of his computer while shaking his head.

"jungkook. you have to do it. your exam is due by midnight and it's almost eleven." taehyung said and jungkook's shoulders dropped at the mere thought of having to take his exam.

he was going to fail it anyway so why even take it in the first place?

"but i don't want to." jungkook looked over at his boyfriend who was busy typing a paper for his nursing program.

taehyung looked up when he felt jungkook staring and they locked eyes. they had a little staring contest before they both gave in and looked back at their laptops.

taehyung was only a sentence away from finishing his paper so he quickly typed a concluding statement before turning the paper in and standing up. after putting his things away, taehyung walked over to his boyfriends bed and picked up his laptop.

he sat on jungkook's lap, replacing the laptop with himself before placing the laptop on his own lap and looking at the first question to the exam.

"babe, you don't have to. i'll do it. i don't want you doing my work for me anymore." jungkook frowned and tried closing his laptop but taehyung pushed his hands away.

"let me just do this really quick so you don't fail." taehyung said and jungkook sighed in defeat, knowing all too well that he wasn't going to win ( or pass this exam on his own ). "thank you baby." jungkook mumbled, kissing taehyung's cheek softly making the boy blush.

taehyung took about thirty minutes on the exam before submitting it hesitantly, praying that he did good and he didn't just fail his boyfriend.

he perked up in surprise when he saw he got 100%.

"oh my gosh, jungkook! i got—"

taehyung turned to see his boyfriend asleep with his head resting on his shoulder. he really should start expecting this.

"jungkook. wake up." the boy nudged his boyfriend which made the younger shoot up, looking extremely tired. "what? what happened?" jungkook asked and taehyung showed jungkook the score he got on his exam.

jungkook gasped and pulled his boyfriend into a bear hug, not even caring when his computer tumbled off his bed.

"you're so amazing and so smart. thank you, thank you, thank you!" jungkook squeezed taehyung in their hug making the older giggle at how cute the younger was being.

"don't thank me. can we go to sleep now?" taehyung asked and jungkook pulled away slightly to look at him, nodding his head quickly. "of course." jungkook kissed taehyung's lips before pulling away and cuddling his boyfriend.

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