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  clammy. jungkook felt clammy.

they had just arrived at the restaurant and, although it was beautiful and something he couldn't even imagine affording with his college budget, jungkook couldn't even focus on his surroundings because his mind was spiraling with the thought that in a few minutes he'll be face to face with his boyfriends parents. he was freaking out as one can imagine.

not only were his hands sweaty but he was shaking too. you know the kind of shakiness you feel after you've had six cups of coffee with a little too much sugar? yeah that kind.

it wasn't exactly pleasant and it didn't go unnoticed by his boyfriend.

"baby? kookie?"

jungkook was brought out of his thoughts by taehyung's sweet voice. "hm? yes babe?" jungkook tried to play off his nervousness a little when speaking but his boyfriend saw right through him; not to mention the way his voice was one pitch higher than usual.

taehyung laughed softly, giving jungkook's sweaty hand a reassuring squeeze as they were being led to their table by the hostess that greeted them when they walked in. "they aren't here yet. you can relax." taehyung smiled but jungkook did not relax, not even after they were seated and the hostess had left them alone.

"taehyung these are your parents. you expect me to be relaxed?" jungkook asked in a hushed voice, trying to be mindful of the other tables full of people surrounding them even though taehyung was speaking normally. "my precious kookie, they are going to love you because i love you, okay? nothing to be nervous about. if you want a heads up, my mom is loud and outgoing like me and my dad is similar but doesn't talk nearly as much as my mom. no matter what, dinner will go just fine so calm down, okay? holding your sweaty hand is starting to make me sweaty too." taehyung was just trying his best to reassure his boyfriend, not really thinking much about his words so seeing the way jungkook's eyes widened drastically was confusing to say the least.

"oh no. did i say something wrong?" taehyung asked himself, reaching up to hold a shocked jungkook's face in between his hands, squishing his cheeks together as he interrogated him. "tell me, what is it that i said?"

a weird looking smile appeared on jungkook's face as he stared a the concerned looking boy in front of him.

the boy he's spent countless hours bickering with, the boy he's crushed on for years, the boy he's grown accustomed to, the boy he wants by his side for many years to come, and the boy who just unknowingly confessed his love for him.

jungkook's smile grew even wider when a look of realization crossed over taehyung's pretty features.


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