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  taehyung stood up once he got out of his trance, quickly changing his shirt into a turtleneck and running over to the bathroom to see how he looked

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  taehyung stood up once he got out of his trance, quickly changing his shirt into a turtleneck and running over to the bathroom to see how he looked.

he pouted because he just looked like he just made out with someone.

his lips were slightly swollen and his cheeks were flushed, his hair even looking messy but only he and jungkook knew that was from their cuddling.

"taehyung? hoseok's still here and he's calling your phone. it must be important." jungkook mumbled as he leaned against the door frame to the bathroom, watching taehyung panic.

taehyung sighed and looked over at jungkook who's eyes didn't meet his. "i'm sorry jungkook." taehyung mumbled quietly as he walked passed him, slipping on a pair of shoes before grabbing his phone and leaving the room.

jungkook stood by the bathroom with a frown on his face, trying to take in everything that just happened.

taehyung didn't really mean to kiss him, did he?

if he did then taehyung would've stayed instead of going out with hoseok, right?

jungkook felt angry but there was nothing he could do. taehyung was long gone by now and hoseok probably already had taehyung in his bed by now.

the boy jumped when the door to his dorm opened and jimin walked in with another male attached to him like a magnet.

"jungkook? i saw taehyung walk out with hoseok but the look on tae's face didn't look right so i came here. what happened?" jimin asked, walking over to jungkook and leaving the male he brought to stand at the door awkwardly.

jungkook shrugged, walking over to his bed and sitting down. "he just left with hoseok.. hoseok seemed like he really needed taehyung though because he was knocking on our door and calling taehyung at the same time." jungkook said and jimin sat down in front of jungkook, motioning for the man he brought to sit beside him.

"there's something you're not telling me. your hair is a mess and your lips are swollen. you and tae made out, huh? and then he left you for hoseok?" jimin guessed and jungkook's eyes widened, not understanding how jimin could guess so easily.

he just nodded hesitantly and tilted his head to the side a bit as he looked at jimin.

"how'd you figure that out so quick?" jungkook asked quietly and jimin smiled. "to be honest, taehyung only wears that turtleneck when he's trying to hide hickeys. i just made up the rest." jimin giggled and jungkook hummed, leaning back against his headboard as he picked at the comforter on his bed.

"anyway. um, this is my boyfriend yoongi. yoogles this is jungkook; taehyung's roommate and secret lover." jimin winked at jungkook who rolled his eyes, shaking his head at jimin as he shook yoongi's hand.

"we're not secret lovers. i hardly even like him so i definitely don't love him." jungkook said and jimin scoffed, smacking jungkook's thigh.

"come on~ i'm routing for you! as much as i pretended not to like you all these years, i still secretly wanted you and tae to end up together. hoseok is cute and all but he's not taehyung's type. taehyung only likes to hook up with guys like hoseok but he would never actually date him." jimin said and jungkook's eyebrows raised.

"you don't think they're hooking up right now, do you?" jungkook asked and jimin shrugged, leaning against his boyfriend. "no because they left the dorms and hoseok's dorm is in this dormitory. but they might afterwards." jimin said and jungkook bit his lip, tapping his fingers nervously against his thigh.

"they probably went to hoseok's work to grab some food so, if you're up for it, i can help you get taehyung to not hook up with hoseok." jimin said with a smirk on his face, giggling when jungkook perked up.

oh how he loves college drama.

"are you up for it?" jimin asked and jungkook slowly nodded. "great." jimin clapped, standing up and walking over to jungkook's closet.

"you should've said no." yoongi mumbled as jimin skipped around the room, humming as he got things together. "shut up yoongi." jimin sent his boyfriend a playful glare before smiling again and throwing an outfit at jungkook.

"put this on while i set up your date." jimin said and jungkook stood up, walking over to the bathroom and changing.

he just did what jimin told him to do for about fifteen minutes before his so called date was knocking on the door.

"yugyeom?" jungkook asked in surprise after he opened the door. "hey kookie, did you miss me?" yugyeom giggled as he walked into the dorm, waving at jimin who stood up and hugged yugyeom.

"so i heard you guys dated in high school and so i assumed that you wouldn't have a problem kissing and such. yugyeom knows the plan so do everything he tells you to do jungkook. now, hurry and go to the diner before taehyung and hoseok leave." jimin said, shooing the two away and pushing them out of the dorm room.

"wait kissing—?" jungkook was about to ask jimin about the plan but all he got was a door slammed in his face.

"come on kookie, we have to hurry." yugyeom grabbed jungkook's hand and pulled him out of the dormitory, pulling him to a shining black car.

yugyeom hopped in the drivers seat and jungkook hesitantly got in the passengers seat, not knowing whether this was such a good idea anymore.

the drive to the diner was quick and, when they walked in, jungkook's eyes immediately landed on taehyung who was sitting in a booth with hoseok across from him.

yugyeom wrapped his arms around jungkook's arm and pulled him to sit in a booth that was directly across the diner from where taehyung sat.

"this is gonna be fun." yugyeom giggled as he leaned up and kissed jungkook's cheek. "you only got hotter, huh? you're something else jungkookie." yugyeom said and jungkook sighed, looking down at yugyeom.

"you only got more annoying, huh? just do what you're good at and kiss me." jungkook grumbled and yugyeom rolled his eyes, leaning up and connecting his lips to jungkook's.

taehyung's heart sunk the second time that day as he watched jungkook kiss someone else.

"hey, you ready to go?" hoseok asked, making taehyung turn his attention back to the boy he was on a date with.

"um, could we stay a little longer? i'll pay for dessert." taehyung said and hoseok nodded, smiling at taehyung as he waved for one of his coworkers to come to their table.

taehyung didn't really feel up to dessert but he wanted to stay to see what will happen between jungkook and his little date.

he just hopes that they aren't hooking up because, if they are, taehyung's heart is really going to break.

jimin watching the drama go down between taekook:

TAESTANjimin watching the drama go down between taekook:

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