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  taehyung nervously stepped out of the shower, instantly becoming cold and wrapping a towel around his body

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  taehyung nervously stepped out of the shower, instantly becoming cold and wrapping a towel around his body.

he left the bathroom and grabbed some "pajamas", making his way back to the bathroom to get dressed. his pajamas consisted simply of a pair of tight black boxers and an oversized t shirt.

once he was dressed, he left the bathroom and blindly made his way towards his bed. well... at least he tried.

he barely got passed jungkook's bed when he was pulled into strong arms, resulting in him falling on top of his roommate like he's done many times before.

"and we're back to square one, huh?" jungkook joked and taehyung smiled shyly, leaning down and brushing his nose against jungkook's.

"boop." taehyung giggled and a huge smile broke out onto jungkook's face, laughing quietly at how adorable taehyung was. "it's really unfair that you're so cute." jungkook smiled, taehyung raising an eyebrow at him.

"how so?"

jungkook shrugged, booping his and taehyung's noses once again. "you're smart, you're attractive, you're funny, you have a great personality, and you're really likable. it's not fair that you get to be all these things and cute. you're literally perfect." jungkook said, surprising taehyung because he was definitely not expecting jungkook to say all that about him.

"says the most perfect guy on campus." taehyung said and that surprised jungkook.

taehyung thought he was perfect?



taehyung giggled and pecking the youngers cheek softly. "you're the perfect one here. you're extremely attractive, you're smart too, you always know exactly what to say, and deep, deep down you're actually a nice guy." taehyung teased and jungkook pinched the older boys cheeks as payback for what he said.

"i'm nice all the time!" jungkook defended himself, making taehyung laugh. "mhm, sure. all the time. you've never once been mean to me. never." taehyung smiled and jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"we've both been mean to each other." jungkook said and taehyung hummed, leaning down and resting his head in the crook of his roommates neck.

jungkook smiled softly, tightening his grip on taehyung's waist but making sure he wasn't holding him too tight.

"are you tired now?" the younger asked taehyung who shook his head, snuggling further into jungkook. "i just wanted to be close to you." taehyung whispered against jungkook's neck and that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up.

"i know a way we can be even closer." jungkook suggested and taehyung looked up at him, confused. "how?"

jungkook smiled and leaned down, pressing his lips into taehyung's.

at a time like this, no one could interrupt them because almost everyone was asleep. but the time wasn't enough to convince jungkook so he pulled away from taehyung and quickly locked the door before going back to his roommate.

jungkook sat back down on his bed and pulled taehyung onto his lap, connecting their lips briefly. he moved his lips downward, sucking on taehyung's soft skin that was still littered with his markings from the times before this.

"jungkook." taehyung moaned quietly, his fingers tangling in the youngers long locks. "yes baby?" jungkook asked in a whisper, his voice being muffled against taehyung's neck.

taehyung shook his head as if to say "never mind" and then connected his and jungkook's lips.

jungkook smiled against taehyung's lips but pulled away because he was curious about what taehyung wanted to say before.

"tell me. what did you want to say?" jungkook asked and taehyung bit his lip, looking down at his lap. "i uh.. i want to go out with you. like, on a date." taehyung mumbled and jungkook smiled wildly, leaning in and pecking taehyung's lips.

"then tomorrow, we'll go out on our first date." jungkook said and taehyung blushed, glancing up at jungkook to see him smiling. "good. what will we do?" taehyung asked and jungkook hummed, tapping his chin in thought which made the older giggle.

"we can get coffee in the morning and walk around campus— holding hands of course. we can go to the park or check out all the stores on campus. then, we can get lunch at your favorite place and i'll pay for it all." jungkook smiled and that made taehyung smile too.

he was extremely excited for his and jungkook's date already.

"let's go to sleep then so tomorrow will come faster!" taehyung hopped off of jungkook's lap, getting under his blankets and looking up at jungkook who was staring at him with a look of adoration in his eyes.

"you're too cute." jungkook laughed, getting under his covers and letting taehyung cuddle into his side.

although taehyung was extremely excited, he fell asleep easily because of how tired he was from staying up so late.

jungkook smiled and carefully set an alarm on his phone so that he'd wake up when he wanted to.

he had a plan for tomorrow and he was hoping taehyung would like it.

he's never planned so much for just one date but, then again, this wasn't just one date. this was a date with the one and only kim taehyung.

it had to be perfect.

if this date didn't go well then taehyung would never want to go on another date with jungkook and jungkook didn't want that. he wanted to go on many dates with taehyung.

he wanted to go on so many that he'll eventually loose count of all the things they've done together.

thinking of all this made jungkook even more excited for what their relationship would turn out to be.

he didn't know whether or not taehyung was going to continue to see hoseok or if he'd stop just for jungkook but he didn't want to think about that right now.

taehyung was with him, not hoseok, and that's all that mattered.

a contentious sigh escaped jungkook's lips as he looked down at taehyung, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips being careful so he didn't wake the boy.

taehyung's nose scrunched up cutely, making jungkook chuckle softly.

jungkook had to force himself to look away so that he would actually go to sleep instead of staying up and admiring taehyung's beauty all night.

with taehyung in his arms, he fell asleep within moments.

boy do i have plans for this book
i'm actually getting excited

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