Chapter 7

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Demi's P.O.V

After dinner my mom and I are left to clean the dishes. Joe insisted to help, but my mom decided she would so Joe left to go take a shower. My dads in the guest room since there's not really anything more for him to do.

"I wish you'd visit more often. Sometimes it feels like I only have two kids. I miss you being around." My mom sighs.

"I know, I'm sorry. Joes been so busy with work and I've been busy cleaning, cooking, and doing whatever else is needed so that when he's home all we have to do is spend time with one another. His hours got bumped up at work so we don't have much time as we used to. I know I need to visit more but we don't live as close as we used to. I don't want to intrude on your plans when I suddenly decide Joe and I have a free day. Still, that's no excuse. It wouldn't hurt to call every now and then." I admit.

"It'll be pretty lonely around the house soon, your sister is going to college next year." She frowns.

"So I've heard. She seemed rather excited when I talked to her on the phone."

"Too excited. I swear she's just happy to move out." She frowns.

"No, I doubt that. She's been excited about college for a while now. I think she's happy her hard work has payed off and she's gotten into the one she's dreamed about for so long. Trust me, once she has to start adulting, I don't think she'll find it so much fun. I'm sure she'll be visiting as often as she can for your homemade meals and free laundry cleaning." I chuckle.

"Oh please, I doubt it. She'll be too busy hanging with her college friends and ignoring my calls."

"No, you know she'd do anything for you. You're stressing to much. This school year isn't even over mom, enjoy the time you have with her. Don't spend it worrying about the future." I say as I rinse another plate.

I hear some footsteps but I don't pay any attention to them, I'm sure it's just dad or Joe. I just want to get these dishes finished so I can get to bed with Joe soon.

"So when am I going to get some grand babies?" She asks.

I feel my blood run ice cold. All the happiness in my body leaves and I can feel my eyes water up.

I hear Joe clear his throat and I look at him unsure how to respond to this. I know I'm pregnant right now, but he doesn't. But the comment doesn't get easier to hear. Joe and I have lost a baby and we've been trying for a while. I hate when I have to hear that question because no one knows how hard it is to want something so desperately and not be able to achieve it. There's so much pain in that question for me.

"Demi I-" Mom starts but Joe takes the plate out of my hand and I get the hint he's going to handle the situation.

He kisses the top of my head and I go ahead and leave the kitchen before I cry and loose a grip over all my emotions over nothing. There's a baby in my stomach, Joe and I did it. This is something to be excited about, I don't need to cry over this.

So I head to the bathroom and take a shower to help myself calm down. I get changed and by the time I walk out, Joes in our bed.

"You alright?" He asks.

I nod, "I'm alright. You know I hate that question and I wasn't really expecting it. She's never brought up grandkids before." I say.

"She didn't realize we've been trying Dems. If she had I know she wouldn't have asked it." He says.

"I know, I know. I'm going to go talk to her. I don't want her to feel guilty over something the day before Christmas Eve." I say.

"That's a good idea, I'll let you two talk. I'll be here waiting for you." He says and I flash him a weak smile.

I make my way to the kitchen where my mom was at last and I watch her pick up a cookie off the plate. I totally forgot to put those into a container and I need to if I don't want them to be stale tomorrow morning.

"Demi I'm sorry, I can't imagine how hard these past couple years have been for you and Joe." She says with so much sympathy.

"You didn't know, it's something Joe and I were keeping private. No one knew besides the two of us. It was hard, really hard." I admit.

"Was?" She questions.

"Was." I confirm.

She looks crushed, "You and Joe gave up? Demi, you can't give up sweetheart. Not unless a doctor tells you there's absolutely no chance you can have one."

I shake my head, "We didn't give up." I smile.

Her forehead wrinkles in confusion, "I'm not understanding."

"It's a little hard to get pregnant when you're already pregnant isn't it?"

Her hands fly to her mouth and excitement fills her eyes, "I know you're excited but I need you to not say anything. Joe doesn't know yet. We wanted to take a test after Christmas so that if it was negative it wouldn't ruin the holidays for us. I couldn't wait that long. I didn't want to spend my holiday stressing and worrying if I was pregnant or not and be unable to enjoy the time with everyone. I took a test behind his back and it was for sure positive. Joe still doesn't know and I'm thinking on telling him Christmas Day. I'm not sure if it'll be in front of everyone or once everyone gone and I have a moment alone with him. Either way, he'll find out on Christmas. I wanted to wait until after, but I feel like with all we've gone through he deserves to know this amazing gift on Christmas Day." I say with a low voice.

She nods eagerly, "I won't say a word. You dad won't know either."

I smile, "Thanks."

She gives me a hug and I return the gesture, "I'm so happy for you Demi, you have no idea." She says.

We let go of the hug and I'm able to look her in the eyes and smile, "I am too, still worried, but I'm excited. I won't be in the clear until sixteen weeks. So I'll be worried all the way until then. I think we'll be ok though. Everything feels normal so far which is a good sign."

"You're going to be a great mom, I already know it."

I smile wider, it's nice to hear that. Sure I feel like I'll be a good mom but I'm still a little nervous. A baby is kind of a lot and I don't want to mess this up. I want to make sure I parent well and I'm taking amazing care of him or her. To hear my mom believe in me means a lot.

"Thank you momma." I say.

"It's late and I'm getting pretty tired, so I'm gonna head to sleep once I finish this cookie." She chuckles.

"Feel free to help yourself to more than one. I can't eat them all." I say before giving her a side hug.

I head to my bedroom and close the door behind me. I get into the bed and it's only then when I see my husband already asleep. I get comfortable behind him and it doesn't take much longer before I'm asleep as well.

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