Chapter 12

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Demi's P.O.V

I feel a gentle kiss on my cheek which causes me to wake up. I stare up at Joe who's fully dressed and I frown, "Why are you dressed? I thought you took the week off."

He lets out a small sigh, "One of the boys got in a car accident and were low on staff now. I've got to go in."

Does this mean our New Years plans are canceled too? I can't imagine Joe wanting to stay up late to celebrate if he worked all day and has to work the next day as well.

"Is he ok?" I ask.

He shrugs, "A few broken bones but he's breathing. He'll be out for a while though."

Meaning Joe will have to work more hours than he already is. 

"I understand. There's nothing you can really do about it. Plus maybe it's for the better. If you take too much time off now you won't have much time off once we have the baby." I say.

He smiles at the mention of our baby, "Baby Jonas."

I flash him a weak smile, "Yes, baby Jonas."

I'm definitely disappointed Joe won't be with me for the rest of the week, but I understand it's not his choice. I know if it were, he'd be here.

"Will you be alright on your own? You don't feel to sick today do you?" He asks.

"I'll be fine."

He pecks my lips and I watch him grab his car keys before heading out of our bedroom in a rush which only adds to my disappointment. I was hoping we'd at least get to eat breakfast today, but I guess that won't be happening. I doubt his boss gave him much of a notice this morning.

"I love you Dems." He says.

"I love you too." I say.

With that, Joes officially out the bedroom door and I feel a wave of sadness hit me with that. I let out a sigh as I get out of bed myself.

"Well looks like my plans are ruined aren't they?" I ask myself.

I pull my phone from the charger and I walk to the kitchen and fix myself a small bowl of cereal. I know I should probably eat something more vitamin enriched and healthy for the baby, but I don't want to risk morning sickness with eggs, breakfast sausage, or hash browns. So I'm going with the safe option of cereal.

I pour myself a glass of apple juice before sitting at the kitchen bar alone. I check my phone to see a few missed texts from yesterday and I decide to call Marissa rather than bother with the texting. We haven't talked in a while and there's too much to say through text.

"Hey, I tried to text you yesterday." Marissa says as the call goes through.

"I know, I'm sorry. Joe took the day off and I was spending time with him and wasn't paying much attention to my phone. But how was your Christmas?" I ask.

"Eh, same old same old. Long." She chuckles.

"Same here." I sigh.

"So do you have any plans today? I was thinking maybe we could get some lunch together?" She asks.

"I'd love to actually. I've got to get you caught up on some things." I say.

"Ohhhh gossip?" She asks.

"No, no gossip today. But it's news you'll be excited over." I say.

"Alright, sounds good to me, where are we going to eat at?" She asks.

"Does Olive Garden sound good?" I ask.

"Sounds perfect." She says.

"Alright 11:30?" I ask.

"That will do." She says.

"Alright I'll see you then." I say before I hang up.

I finish my cereal and put the bowl into the dishwasher. I of course go ahead and start that and get those dishes washed so I can put them up after lunch.

Continuing the chore list I go into the garage to take out the large trash cans. I then put a new trash bags into each of them. I also start a load of laundry before taking a shower and getting ready.

I didn't exactly wake up at my usual time, surprisingly late, so I didn't have much time to do anything this morning. I would've liked to do a bit more cleaning but it is what it is.

Once I get ready, I grab my car keys and phone before walking to my car. I shoot Marissa a text and let her know I'm on my way before I back out of the driveway and head to the restaurant.

I honestly don't really want to get out of the house today, but I haven't seen Marissa in a while and I usually tell everything to her. To keep this pregnancy a secret for this long took a lot, but she deserves to know first out of Joe and my friends. Marissas been there to keep me solid when Joe wasn't for the miscarriages. So it's only fair for her to hear the news first.

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