Chapter 8

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-Christmas Day-

Demi's P.O.V

I woke up feeling strange, it was more of a sicky feeling but I knew that it was probably just morning sickness. I went downstairs and grabbed a glass of water.

Soon everyone was starting to wake up and my mom came and put the radio on which was playing some festive music.

I had decided to give Joe our present away from everyone else. I didn't know how he'd react. Would he be happy? Or angry that I took the test behind his back?

Joe comes into the living room, he rubs his eyes. "Merry Christmas" he greets everyone

We all sat down and after we had all opened our presents I said "Joe, I have one more present for you but it's upstairs"

"Ok" he said as he begun to get up, I looked over at my mom and she gave me a reassuring smile

We made our way upstairs. I lead Joe into the bedroom. I had wrapped the positive pregnancy test in the box that it came in.

I got the present out of the draw where I had been hiding it and gave it to Joe.

He opened it eagerly. Then he looked at me in confusion.

"I couldn't wait" I said as he opened the box

"Demi" he sighed "We agreed we'd take a test after Christmas

"I know" I said "But I didn't want to spend my Christmas worrying about whether I was pregnant or not"

"I see" Joe said as he pulled out the pregnancy test

A smile came across his face as he saw that it was positive. I had got one of the tests that tells you how many weeks and it said 3+ weeks.

Joe pulled me into a hug " I know we're not out of the woods yet but I'm so happy"

We hadn't had a positive pregnancy test in quite a while, I had always just come on my period when I was due and Joe and I assumed that a test would be negative. This time I had missed my period and I was excited to take a test.

"Are you ok with me taking the test early?" I asked

"Yeah, I mean, you're pregnant"  he said in excitement "Were you having any symptoms?"

"Yeah I've had a bit of morning sickness but that's about it so far" I replied

"Oh I see" he said, before asking "How are we gonna tell your parents? They're gonna wonder what my present was"

"I think we should just tell them, they'll be really happy"

"Yeah, but what if the pregnancy miscarries?" Joe asked

"Then we'll tell them that as well, they're my parents, they'll understand" I replied

We madde our way downstairs, I decided to let Joe tell my parents, he was really excited and I didn't want to ruin his happiness. When we got downstairs, my mom said "So Joe what was your present?"

"Well actually, Demi and I have something we'd like to announce, don't we Demi" he said as he came up behind me and place both his hands on my stomach.

There wasn't a bump but the action caused my mom to say "You're pregnant?" in a slightly confused tone

"Yes!" Joe said excitingly

"OMG that's so so amazing, congratulations to both of you!"

Then my dad also got up and they both came and gave me a hug. Joe got a hug from my mom and a strong handshake from my dad.

We then all sat down, I was glad my mom and dad hadn't told Joe that they already knew before him. I think that would break him because really the dad of the baby should know first.

"So how many weeks are you Demi?" my mom asked

"I don't know, I need to go to the doctor but the test said 3+ weeks so really its more than that but I don't think I'm as far as 6 weeks"

"Oh I see, have you looked at dates?" mom asked

"Yeah, it would make me about 5 weeks I think but the doctor will tell me the excat dates"

"That would make you due around August!" dad said, before also saying "Let's hope it doesn't come on your birthday Demi"

"Yeah, that wouldn't be fun this year but might be nice in future years, a double birthday might be a better way of celebrating because I don't really have parties now. If the baby comes on my birthday, it'll give me an excuse to have a bit of the party where I get presents"

"Yeah but the baby might grow up, mainly in their childhood and not want their mom 'spoiling' their birthday party" my dad added

"Yeah true, maybe a double birthday isn't a good idea after all" I agreed

We sat down for a while, then mom and I got up to make dinner. We made a chicken casserole using chicken, potatoes, carrots and peas then letting it boil to cook nicely. We served it with 2 slices of bread with some bread in the middle for people to have extra if they wanted.

I managed to eat most of my casserole and 1 slice of bread, it tasted amazing but I was stuffed by the end.

About an hour later we said goodbye to my mom and dad, they had only stayed for a little while but left excited about the news.

Soon after my parents leaving I went up to the bedroom and got into bed after brushing my teeth and getting into my pjs. Soon enough I heard Joe coming up the stairs and crawling into bed next to me.

We went to sleep, both happy about the news. Joe's parents were coming round tomorrow, boxing day, to celebrate Christmas.

Joe had reassured me that his parents would be just as happy about the news as my parents were; but, for some reason, I wasn't sure.

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