Chapter 3 visions?

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Walking towards kings cross station brought back a lot of memories from the past. The past that I didn't want to remember. At all.

1838, Victorian London

I'm walking down the street, hand in hand with my partner Bernard and for once in my entire life I'm happy...that is until THE INCIDENT happened.

I was walking down the street, stopping every so often to look through some windows, and at their displays, whiles blocking out Bernard complaints about being tired or bored.

When all of a sudden a black new looking car drives down the street with the window opened a jar.

The next thing I remember was being pushed to the ground by Bernard and hearing gun shots through out the street.

Once the car hurriedly drove off, I looked to my left to see Bernard on the floor bleeding and just about managing to breath, I crawled towards him and held him in my arms as his life slowly faded away.

"Bernard please don't leave me I beg of you please don't! I love you!"
Bernard lazily looked up at me and said the 3 words that he would tell me everyday "I,love,you..."
I sobbed and screamed as he stopped breathing and his head flopped to the right hand side.

No life registered in those onyx eyes that I'd admire everyday and every night.
The only thing that was left behind was his colourless eyes that held no soul, no life and no love for me.

Present 2020

Present 2020

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I jumped when I heard the sound of violets voice calling me out of my day dream, "huh yeah wha?"
I looked around, to see that I was in a compartment on the Hogwarts express, with 2 different pair of eyes looking at me with worry in them.

Dan reached his hand out and put it on my hand "are you okay kamie? You seem a bit distanced Since you boarded the train, is everything okay at home?"
I nodded my head and faked a smile, " yeah I was just thinking who my roommate is going to be this year, I hope it's not that annoying blonde girl Jessica what's her face?, I can never seem to remember her last name?!"

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