Chapter 5, defence against the dark arts

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Professor Alaric pov

I paced the front of my class with my left hand intertwined in my hair

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I paced the front of my class with my left hand intertwined in my hair.
Which had become a habit of mine whenever I was nervous.

'Damn nerves'

I was really nervous to be teaching this class, especially since I heard that Tom riddle cursed the position because he didn't get it.

I slowed down my pacing until I came to a complete stop.

'Way to go on calming your nerves Alaric!'

I shook my thoughts out of my head as I slapped both of my cheeks.
"FOCUSE" I shouted to no one in particular.

I made my way to the door of my classroom once I heard chattering of students and opened it to see eager faces greet me " come on in everyone and sit down"

I greeted every student with a 'good morning' and 'hello' as they entered the classroom and took their seats.

I was hit with a wave of calmness as soon as my eyes made contact with a pair of what seemedi to be very familiar ice blue eyes. I searched my mind for any answers but came up with nothing but mist?


I nodded my head at the owner of the eyes before I looked away and checked to see if there was anymore students coming in.

Once I was satisfied that their wasn't anymore students.

I closed the door, turned around and started walking towards the front of the class whiles speaking, "hello students my name is professor Alaric and I'll be your defence against the dark darts professor"

Excited whispers traveled around the classroom before They were cut off by an angel like voice, I turned my head around to meet the exact same pair of ice blue eyes.

'Guh! Where have I seen those eyes before?!'

I shook my head so I could focus ," thank you for quitting the class mrs.."

"Whitlock, kamaria jade Whitlock" I nodded my head at her name before finishing my sentence " well mrs Whitlock, I appreciate you for quitting the class. But please do refrain from doing that in the future. Thank you"

Mrs Whitlock nodded her head one last time before I then proceeded with the lesson for the morning.

During the whole lesson I couldn't keep my eyes off mrs Whitlock, their was something about her that made my whole being cry out for her. Like as if I had a duty to fulfil.

I shook my head and continued on with the lesson, getting to know each of my students individually.

Once the lesson had ended, and everyone was dismissed.

I breathed a sigh of relief. But why?

What was i so relived about?

I shook my head, before I started to clean up and get ready for my next class.

All of a sudden Professor Raine entered my class with a small smile on his face as he spoke "hello professor Alaric. How was your first class?"

I nodded my head whiles Collecting the text books and replacing them with different ones for my next class whiles I was answering his question

" it was alright I guess. Expect for..." I stopped myself before finishing my sentence.

Would professor Raine think badly of me if I said that one of my students was a bit peculiar and was able to sense that I was nervous and calm me down?


I shook my head to clear my thoughts when professor Raine started talking shocking me with what he said

" you met a student who sensed you were nervous and was able to calm you down. Am I correct?"

I nodded my head as I turned around to face him " how..."

"How did I know?" I nodded my head at his statement.

" because she did the exact same thing to me when I first joined this school. That's how I know"

I took a deep breath before talking again "does anyone else know about what she can do?"

Professor Raine shook his head before heading towards the door "no, nobody else knows about what she can do but I do believe that she would want to keep it that way."

I nodded my head slowly as I watched Professor Raine stand in the doorway of my classroom before he continued talking

"all will be revealed soon professor Alaric. Good day"

And with that note, he left my classroom and left me alone with my thoughts, before I snapped out of whatever trance I was in to prepare for my next class.

Kamaria's pov

We didn't have to wait long in the corridor before the door opened to the defence against the dark arts classroom.

students started to quickly make their way in until I was the only one left in the corridor.

As I stepped over the threshold of the door way, I stopped in my tracks as I sensed someone was nervous.

As soon as i lifted my head, my eyes connect to the source.

Professor Alaric.

I used my empath powers and projected calmness from my mind onto professor Alaric.

I saw him visibly relax before heading off to sit in between violet and dan.

"hello students my name is professor Alaric and I'll be your defence against the dark darts professor"

Once the professor started to speak, whisperers spread across the class room like wildfire. So of course me being me try to calm the class down.

"Would you all shut the hell up, the professor isn't done talking!"

Professor Alaric's head turned in my direction before he started to speak again but this time he was speaking directly at me ," thank you for quitting the class mrs.."

I answered his question as soon as I could "Whitlock, kamaria jade Whitlock"

The professor nodded his head before he continued speaking "well mrs Whitlock, I appreciate you for quitting the class. But please do refrain from doing that in the future. Thank you"

I nodded my head one last time before, I grabbed my quill and a bit of parchment paper and concentrated on the lesson.


Once class was dismissed.

Me, violet and dan left the class together as we entered the corridor and stopped checking our time tables of what classes we had next.

All of a sudden we heard a clicking of shoes before we were greeted by professor Raine "good morning mrs Whitlock, mrs woods, mr black"

I smiled as I said " good morning professor Raine. How are you?"

The professor smiled as he said " I'm fine thanks mrs Whitlock. What lessons do you three have next?"

We all looked at our time table before groaning in frustration " potions with Professor snape" professor Raine chuckled at us before saying " you better quickly hurry before he gives you detention for being late to his lesson"

We nodded at professor Raine before yelling over our shoulders goodbye to him before quickly running to the dungeons for potions.

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