Chapter 4, 5 new profesors

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After professor Dumbledore did his start of year speech and obviously going over certain information telling us what's band and places that no one is allowed to go to.

which in my opinion is bull cause it doesn't stop Potter and his 2 meddlesome friends from breaking the rules.

Don't get me wrong I have nothing against him or his friends.

I mean after all I am immortal.
But the disadvantage is when you've stopped ageing at 18 and you've got to act like every other kid in this hall.

Which is basically hard when you've only known pain and isolation for the majority of your life.

My attention turns back to the table in front of me to see food appear and let's just say that the rest is history.

Once everyone had their food and started heading up to their common rooms, I sought out dan and violet to tell them good night and then made my own way to my common room.

The Gryffindor common room hasn't changed THAT much through out the years, which in my opinion gets boring. They should change it every so often you know.

I headed up to the girls dormitory and straight to my room.

Once I opened the door I was greeted by a pair of hazel eyes and strawberry blonde hair "hi my name is Lucy blue it's nice to meet you!" I smiled at my new room mate before heading over to the bed by the window and start to unpack my things.

Once the task was done I turned around and introduced myself since I've never really seen Lucy before "sorry for not introducing myself, my name is kamaria jade Whitlock. Are you new here? I haven't really seen you around?"

Lucy smiled as she nodded her head " yeah I have, my letter was late getting to me" Lucy nervously chuckled as she grabbed some stuff from a bag and headed to the bathroom to get changed into her Pajamas.

Once she was done it was my turn to change which didn't take long since all I wore was black shorts and a grey t-shirt.

Lucy and I stayed up for a little bit talking and getting to know each other before We actually felt tired and went to sleep.

Next morning!

Before the alarm clock could finish its task. I flicked my wrist and the last thing I heard was 'bang!'. I slowly looked up at the damage that was spread across the bedroom floor and evilly smirked at the mess, the clock had it coming. With a thought in mind I looked at the damage closely. 'ah shit, my magic is growing stronger'.

i rolled out of bed and cleaned up the mess before hesitantly making my way to the bathroom and refreshen up ready for breakfast.

Half an hour later.

I entered the great hall and sat down in my usual spot by Fred and gorge before shovelling waffles into my mouth.

The great hall went quit as professor Dumbledore stepped up to the podium to talk " good morning everyone, I hope you've all slept well last night.
It would appear that I forgot to introduce some of our newest professors that will be teaching new and old lessons"

Everyone whispered amongst themselves before they were hushed again and Professor Dumbledore continued " may I introduce professor Izaleon who will be teaching dragonology and professor Alaric who will be teaching defence against the dark arts and We also have  professor Corvus who will be teaching muggle studies and professor Ravenborn who will be teaching divination and professor Valentina who will be teaching vampire studies"

As soon as professor Dumbledore said their names and moved out of the way for the 5 professors to stand and bow their heads at everyone before sitting back down again.

my eyes widen, If it was out of shock or familiarity, I have no idea, but I felt like as if I've seen them before. But where??

" now I expect each and everyone of you to show respect and kindness to your new professors.
Now that is out of the way, I hope you all have a good day"

Fred snapped his fingers in front of my face to get my attention ,which worked by the way.
I turned my head so I was facing the Weasley twins and smiled. " yes I'm okay if your wondering" Fred and gorge nodded their heads before facing Ron and teasing him. 'Poor ron'

I quickly finished my waffle and started making my way to lesson, which was defence against the dark arts first with professor Alaric.

Once I was outside of the great hall, I felt a hand ghost it's self on my left shoulder causing me to turn my head left seeing violet stood next to me rolling her eyes. My only guess was that dan was behind this thinking I would fall for the head turning trick.

Well he was wrong.

I kept my eyes on violet and elbowed dan in the stomach which cause him to make a sound that was all to familiar to my ears.

I turned my head with an innocent smile on my face as I spoke to dan " oh hey there! What's wrong? You look like as if someone has just elbowed you in the stomach?" Dan made a 'I'm going to get my revenge' face before violet spoke up " what class do you have first?"

I turned to violet and said " defence against the dark arts. And you?" Violet smiled as she said " the same" we looked at dan as he held up his thumbs to confirm he had the exact same class as us before we started walking towards said destination.

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