Chapter 8, devination

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After an interesting lesson of muggle studies, i was in the middle of packing my things away to go to the great hall when Lucy approached me

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After an interesting lesson of muggle studies, i was in the middle of packing my things away to go to the great hall when Lucy approached me.

" hey Kamaria, i was just wondering if your doing anything at the moment for lunch?"

I stopped what I was doing before I looked up at her and blinked a few times before registering what she had just said "umm...I was going to go to the great hall and sit with my friends, Violet and dan."

a look of disappointment cross's Lucy's face at kamarai's statement

I panicked at that moment not liking the fact that I had just upset my classmate and roommate.

" umm... you can come and join me if you want?" I could've sworn I saw a look of disgust on her face for a split second before she covered it up with a sickly sweet smile " oh, no thanks I don't really get on with ravenclaws and slytherins" I shook my head before I continued packing up my things and heading towards the library doors.

I stopped and turned on my heel to look at Lucy " I'm really sorry Lucy"

I didn't look behind me, as I left the library and went straight towards the great hall.


Walking through the doorway of the great hall and not being tackled by your slytherin friend was an odd feeling.

I looked around the hall to see where he was, but saw that he wasn't even in the great hall!!

I shook my head and searched for Violet instead, which was quite easy, since it looked like she was telling a Gryffindor off for something.

I shook my head none the less and walked towards her as the Gryffindor scurried off.

"What was that all about"

Violet looked up and watched me as I set my things down opposite her and sat down, "that Gryffindor had turned my potions book into a quill and refused to turn it back until, some words were said and he changed his mind and turned it back into my potions book"

I shook my head, " what did you say to the Gryffindor to change their mind?"

Violet tried to cover up her smile with her hand as she whispered into my ear.

A massive smile broke out on my face before I laughed out loud. Violet slapped my arm trying to 'shh' me.

I looked at Violet with a smile as she started talking about our next lesson with excitement in her eyes.

I couldn't stop smiling as memories of how me and violet met popped up in my head.

She was just a shy Ravenclaw when I first met her,and then over the months of talking and hanging out with her, she gradually came out of her shell and became the sassy, loyal friend that I have today.

Violet snapped her fingers in front of me before saying "Kamarai!! We need to go now" My face contorted in confusion as i looked at violet " go where?"
Violet made a 'are you kidding look' before saying "class!!" I made an 'o' shape with my mouth before stupidly asking " what class do we have next" i could see violet mentally killing me over and over again in her mind.

I laughed before shaking my head " I'm joking violet! I know what lesson we have next, divination, with the new professor"

I grabbed violets hand before running towards the great hall doors with a cheshire cat smile on my face.


Walking into the classroom was weird. Especially when it wasn't layered out like defence against the dark arts.
Instead it had cushioned seats with round tables covered in tea cloths?

I shook my head and looked around the classroom to see if a specific person was in it.

And to my luck he was. I waved frantically at dan to grab his attention and it worked as his eyes made contact with me and waved me and violet over to sit with him.

To which I happily dragged violet towards dan.
As we took our seats i punched dan in the arm "ouch! What was that for?" I raised my eyebrow at him" where you at lunch?"

Dan made an 'o' shape with his mouth"I'm so sorry kamaria!" I shook my head before i grabbed is hand and looked into his thoughts ' so he was with a hufflepuff boy. And he's a siren. Oooh and their mates!!!' I squeezed dans hand so he knows that I forgave him.

Lets just say that im glad that dan and violet don't know about ALL of my powers, like the mind reading for starters and my empath powers as well.

I know this seems unfair since I know a lot about both of them but still, it's best that I keep them in the dark, for their safety at least. Or so I hope.

I looked to the front of the class just as the professor came in " hello students my name is professor Ravenborn, and I will be teaching you divination"

To say I was amazed was an understatement. I was flabbergasted. His eyes were 2 completely different colours.

His left eye looked to be a lilac type purple, whiles his right eye was a mix of light blue and dark blue.

It was absolutely breathtaking.

I snapped myself out of my thoughts when professor Ravenborn started speaking

"in today's lesson, we will be learning how to read tea leaves!"

Everyone groaned whiles I just rolled my eyes.

'yes I've done this a thousand times if not maybe more and it's soo boring!'

I cleared my thoughts as the lesson begun.

It felt like hours being in the lesson but was only minutes and when I say We I mean everyone except me.

Of course I drank the tea like everyone else and listened to professor Ravenborn talk about his experiences with divination for the first time for a little while.

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