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-----Dameon POV-----

**Loud Music**

    Okay, I can get with the hype about this new club. Thanks to me being a silent investor, we didn't have to wait in line, and we got a private VIP area that included premium bottle service. I even put the girls on the list and told the bouncers to keep an eye out for them just in case they decided to still come to the club.

    The place had two levels with bars on both sides of each level. It was packed, but not so crowded that you couldn't move around. And the DJ had the place jumping.

    As soon as we got to our section above the main dance floor we were greeted by our waitress. “Can I get you fellas anything?” She asked as she made eye contact with everyone before letting them settle on me. “Yea let start with two bottles of Ciroc and two bottles of Henny.” My tone came out as dry and uninterested as I felt. Unfazed by my tone she just smiled, “Coming right up D” before walking away.

“Coming Right up D!” The guys mimicked. They sure know they can get on my last nerves sometimes. All I can do from not laughing is give them the “Really” face. Wes tries his hardest to stifle his laugh “I'm just saying she hot and ready”

“She's just doing her job. Not every chic be on it like that?.”

“Bet a bill!” He replies smugly.

“Shut the fuck up you just trying to get ya money back from earlier?.”

Wes snaps back, “Punk ass!”

   Now he knows I hate that shit and he is just trying to urke me. But now Mike and Chris and both looking at me like “What you gone do?”.

“Fine Bet!”

    No sooner than I agree to this bullshit the waitress returned with two more bottle girls holding out bottles high in the sky attached to lit sparklers. They do a little dance as they sway their hips to the thumping beat. Once the sparklers are out the ladies place the bottles on ice and turn to leave; leaving our waitress to pop open our bottles and pour us all shots.

“Excuse me sweetheart can I ask you to do us a favor?” Wes asked the waitress as she poured and without even stopping she replied, “Wassup boo?”

    With a sly smirk on his face Wes tells her, “Me and this guy here need you to settle a small bet for us.” This seemingly gets her attention enough to look up at Wes matching his mischievous smirk, “What's in it for me?”

“Half of the winnings.”

    She turns towards me and responded, “Deal!” Wes walks up behind her and bends down her ear level, “So I say you're definitely feeling my homie over there, and he says you're just being polite and doing your job. So, what I need you to do is pick that $200 up off the table and hand it to who's right.”

    Without even an ounce of hesitation baby girl goes straight to the table as instructed, picked up the cash and walked straight back to Wes. “Thank you love.” As Wes hands her five $20's.


    She turns back in my direction as she puts her hard-earned winnings in her top making sure to expose her entire nipple, “Sorry but not really. You know you and the rest of the Monroe boys drive us girls in the city wild. You can get at me anytime, anyplace, and I'd be down.” Winks then walks out of our section.

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