I Do..... to Dinner

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-----Amelia POV-----

   This place is beautiful but trendy. Dameon took my hand as I followed behind, taking in the atmosphere. This place was packed, but we were seated by the hostess immediately. The bar area had a southern charm mixed with a dive bar type of feel. However, we were led to this back room that displayed a slight more intimacy and privacy. It had small tables for two lining the walls with tall shelves that had these lit lights that looked like candles, this breathtaking chandelier that glowed so beautifully in the middle of the ceiling. We sat at the furthest table in our own little slice of heaven.

   The night so far was amazing. We drank and laughed. Dameon had a very playful, silly side that I was only allowed to see; that by far was one of his best qualities. He always made sure I had a smile on my face. 

“How's everything?” But attempting to become one of our nights petty annoyances was our waitress that had interrupted our conversation yet again for the fourth time. I'm certain she was just doing her job, but she made it a point to come to our table more than the others, and she only posed questions to Dameon while slightly turning her body away from me. She has been doing that ever since she introduced herself and locked eyes with his.

Since then her eyes had been glued to those irresistible gems and only acknowledging me when necessary. I didn't bother me too much. I was used to being invisible to other females when is came to him. I guess you can say it was part of the territory but unlike most men who would love that attention Dameon always ignored it and had them refer to me on purpose. “Bae how is everything?” he asked.

“Everything is great.”

“Wonderful” Giving me a fake smile and back to Dameon she goes. “ Is there anything else I can get you?”

“No thank you just the check please.” He responded.

“Of course will that be separate checks?”

Oh, wow she is bold

“It's definitely one check, and we are going to the lounge area for a few drinks after this, and I was wondering if you will be our server up there too?” He questioned.

   She looked a little disappointed with his reply, “Unfortunately no you will have another one. I am just in the dinning area.”

“Good!” I almost chocked on my drink at the flat expression on his face and the horror and heartbreak on hers as she walked off.

“You didn't have to hurt that girls feeling like that D.”

“Yes I did!”

“The flirting doesn't bother me and you know that.”

“Well it bugs the shit outta me.”


“Are we really going to talk about this right now, Melia?”

“Yes! I mean I want to know.”

   He sighed out the words “Fine” and he grabbed my hands and pulled me out of the booth and onto his lap. I was confused as fuck at what he was doing but, I just went only with it. “I don't like when females are in my face anyways but when you are present it urks my nerves even more because for one it's disrespectful and I will never allow anyone to disrespect you right in front of me. Two, everything they think they see in me is you're doing. Melia you make me a better person today than I was yesterday and I will be forever in your debt for that.”

   I was so immersed in hearing his words through his eyes I hadn't noticed the small square shaped box covered in lace he had placed on the table until he tapped me on my hand causing me to look down.

“Happy birthday my love.” He whimpered in my ear.

“Awww Dameon what is this?”

“Open it.”

   I released the lace from its ribbon, revealing a glass and gold box. Dameon opened the box the rest of the way, showing me what's inside.


“D-Dameon” I came out kinda loud, but he just smiled as I looked from him to the ring and back to him again.

“Are you going to get up, so I can get on one knee like I am supposed too?”


“Why not?”

“I don't think my legs are working at the moment.”

“You see that's a common side effect of being with me, right?”

    For once, I was rendered speechless.

“If you don't want me to propose, I won't. At least not right now! I just needed you to know how much you mean to me and how invested I am in us.”

   I can't make a word not a single sound. I am sitting here on this man's lap with this goofy ass expression on my face while my insides are screaming at my brain to produce a word.

DAMMIT AMELIA! At least force a syllable! 

“I think this is the first time I've ever known you to not say anything.” He said.

    Now I'm the one staring into his eyes as if I were searching for something.

“Are you going to try it on?”

   I managed to at least shake my head and give him my hand. The cool metal glides over my skin, locking into place.

“Perfect fit” As he smiles and kisses my hand.


“Yes??” he questioned.


“But I haven't asked you anything yet.”

“Stop playing around and ask!”

“I've never played around with you nor will I ever! You're the most important person in my world. Because of you I have love and I never want to experience a life without you! Amelia Phadra Lafuentes will you be my wife?


   The entire room erupted in applause as I crash my lips into his, tasting all the words he just said to me.

“Umm can we go home now?”

“Nope! This is date night, and we have to make it though date night remember.”

Oh, no, he didn't just use my own words against me

“Ugh fine you suck!"

     Rolling my eyes as I smiled kissing him once more before going back to my seat.

“I don't suck I lick and you know imma make you pay for that eye roll later right!” he replied.

“I'm counting on it!" 


Congratulations to the happy couple!! 

But now that's just going to complicated telling everyone isn't it?

Sorry for the short chapter trust me the next on will make up for it! Promise!

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