pizza cuddles and movie date night 💛

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As i was sitting the couch reading the cook book to come up with dinner ideas, my phone rang. I got up to see that it was Demi calling.... "hello my love are you on your way home?" i asked her as soon as i picked up to hear her cute little voice. "Yes! i'm on my way home to see my beautiful babe finally, today was so busy in the studio i have some great music coming im ecstatic! i'll be home soon though lovey, i love you don't forget to tell me what you came up with for me to cook for dinner" she said. "okay baby, i love you more mwah bye"

i got back to my looking for a recipe for tonight.... YUM HOMEMADE PIZZA i thought in my mind, this is definitely the one! Demi walks through the front door and puts her purse and keys on the hanger next to the door and takes her shoes off after a long day in the studio. i got up off the couch to greet her with a kiss and a big hug because i could tell she was tired after work all the time. "today was so stressful so like oak my music producer said that my notes were off today and that i should work on them and then he said that i should write music for him to get ideas off of then he said i needed to get a ne-" i cut demi off with a long kiss "shh baby it's okay i know today was stressful for you, go lay down on the couch i'll get you a core water from the fridge in a mug with ice in a second okay?" demi looked so tired and stressed but i knew exactly how to make her feel better. i brought her some ice water in her favorite dish, a mug. "here you go baby girl, just drink some water and breathe, here let me sit and put ur feet on my lap" one thing demi loved after a long 12 hour day of work standing on her feet was a foot massage.

I rubbed her feet for about an hour which made her less stressed and made her feet less sore. she had a face like she was about to fall asleep, for some reason she wasn't so ticklish on her feet it made her fall asleep instead. "baby do you just wanna order a pizza for dinner from carluccios pizza shop and cuddle and watch a movie? i don't want you cooking dinner because you are tired and we both are tired let's have a movie cuddling and pizza date night" she thought about it "yes babe can we please do that? that sounds amazing" she said with a tired smile on her face. "yes of course i'll call the pizza place right now how about a plane cheese pizza??" i asked. "that sounds so good right now mmm" she said hungrily. I called the pizza place and they said it should arrive in 10 minutes since it was only 2 minutes down the block from demi and i's house. *ding dong* the door bell rang i opened the door with the pizza guy standing there, a huge waff of pizza smell came into my nose yummm i thought. I gave him the money. "thanks so much, have a good rest of your night sir" he put a hand up and nodded as of saying you too as he walked away.

"honeyyyy i got the pizza" i said to demi. "mmm can you please bring me over a piece on a plate with more core water baby?" "yes i can honey, no problem coming right up" i brought her the pizza and core water. "thank you for everything you do for me baby, you dont know how much you mean to me, you love me for who i am and when i'm tired or stressed or both you know i can tell you know because you do these special things all for me i wouldn't want it any other way with any one else i love you....a lot" she said with love in her eyes looking into my eyes. "aww that was so cute, you don't ever have to thank me for this it's just that i love you a lot and i wanna make you happy and i want us to last forever and of course i love you for you because you're perfectly imperfect" i said with love in my eyes looking into her big brown tired eyes, i kissed her lips with just a little bit of tongue showing her i love her a lot. "let's eat this pizza and watch this move what do ya think?" i said. "yes let's do it i love you i'll never stop loving you more and more each day" i was about to cry to that of love in my heart. "i love you so much more baby girl" *mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah* i showered her face with kisses and that's how the night ended. 💗

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